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How to get rid of underarm sweating

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There are several ways that can help get rid of underarm sweating: using an antiperspirant; avoid wearing synthetic fabrics and prefer natural materials such as cotton, linen or wool; maintain hygiene, shower regularly, use soap or shower gel to remove bacteria and odors; avoid spicy and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and coffee; try using a deodorant based on natural ingredients such as coconut oil, baking soda, or starch.
What will be in the article
  1. Video: Excessive sweating underarms-Causes | Sweaty Armpits Treatment - Dr. Rashmi Ravindra
  2. Causes of increased sweating
  3. Video: Is Botox the Secret to Getting Rid of Excessive Sweating?
  4. Deodorants and antiperspirants
  5. Video: How to Get Rid of Underarm Sweat | Karidis Clinic | miraDry
  6. Treatment of increased sweating
  7. Video: How to Stop Underarm Sweating and Funky Odor Fast – Baking Soda Magical Hacks
  8. Folk remedies for the treatment of underarm sweating
  9. Video: How to Stop underarm Sweat | Hyperhidrosis Treatment
  10. Rate the author (1)
  11. Comments (2)

Increased sweating of the armpits in women can be a very unpleasant and uncomfortable problem, but there are several ways that can help cope with it. Here are some of them:

  1. Using an antiperspirant: antiperspirants can help control sweating and reduce the amount of sweat. Some antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds that help block sweat glands and reduce sweating.
  2. Change in lifestyle: Changing your lifestyle can help reduce sweating. For example, regular exercise can help improve overall health and reduce stress, which can lead to reduced sweating. You should also avoid spicy and fatty foods, alcohol and smoking.
  3. Medical procedures: in some cases, a medical procedure such as iontophoresis or botulinum therapy may be required. These procedures help reduce the activity of sweat glands and reduce sweating.
  4. Using natural clothing: Clothing made from natural materials, such as cotton or linen, allows the skin to breathe and can reduce sweat.
  5. Diet change: some foods can increase sweating, such as spicy and fatty foods, alcohol and coffee. Such products should be avoided and the consumption of water and vegetables should be increased.
  6. Surgical methods: in extreme cases, surgical intervention may be required, such as removal of sweat glands. However, this method is used only in the most severe cases of increased sweating, when other treatment methods do not help.
excessive sweating of the armpits
excessive sweating of armpits

In any case, if increased sweating of the armpits bothers you, it is recommended to consult a doctor for consultation and determination of the most suitable method of treatment.

Video: Excessive sweating underarms-Causes | Sweaty Armpits Treatment - Dr. Rashmi Ravindra

Causes of increased sweating

Increased underarm sweating in women can be caused by various reasons, including:

  1. Hormonal changes. Some women may notice increased sweating during menstruation, pregnancy or during menopause.
  2. Heredity. If close relatives had increased sweating, this may affect the woman.
  3. Medical preparations. Some medicines may cause increased sweating.
  4. Stress. Emotional stress can lead to increased sweating.
  5. Obesity. Overweight people often experience increased sweating.
  6. Increased activity of sweat glands. In some people, sweat glands may be more active, which leads to increased sweating.

If you are concerned about increased underarm sweating, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can conduct an examination and identify possible causes.

Video: Is Botox the Secret to Getting Rid of Excessive Sweating?

Deodorants and antiperspirants

Deodorants and antiperspirants are the most common means of combating excessive underarm sweating in women. They can both help reduce odors and moisture that are associated with excessive sweating, but they work in different ways.

Deodorants mask sweat odors, but do not reduce sweating. They contain antimicrobial ingredients that kill odor-causing bacteria. Deodorants can be gentler on the skin than antiperspirants, and they can be a good choice for people who don't sweat too much.

Antiperspirants, on the other hand, contain aluminum compounds that block sweat glands and reduce sweating. They can help reduce odors and prevent sweat stains from appearing on clothing. However, some people may experience skin irritation from antiperspirants, especially if they contain aggressive chemicals.

Some studies link the use of antiperspirants with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, but these results are not clearly defined and require additional research.

In general, deodorants and antiperspirants can be safe and effective methods of combating increased underarm sweating in women, but the choice between them depends on individual preferences and needs. If you experience skin irritation or other unwanted effects from the use of antiperspirants, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Video: How to Get Rid of Underarm Sweat | Karidis Clinic | miraDry

Treatment of increased sweating

Treatment of excessive underarm sweating in women depends on the cause of its occurrence. Some treatment methods may include:

  1. Antiperspirants. The use of antiperspirants can be an effective way to reduce sweating. Use antiperspirants containing aluminum compounds that help block sweat glands.
  2. Botox injections. Botox injections can be used to block nerve endings that control sweat glands and thereby reduce sweating. This method of treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
  3. Medications. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe medications that will help reduce sweating.
  4. Surgical intervention. In rare cases, when other methods are ineffective, surgical intervention may be required to remove sweat glands.
  5. Lifestyle change. Avoid stressful situations, wear clothes made of natural materials, reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption to reduce increased sweating.

If you are concerned about increased underarm sweating, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can conduct an examination and prescribe the most effective treatment depending on the cause of its occurrence.

Video: How to Stop Underarm Sweating and Funky Odor Fast – Baking Soda Magical Hacks

Folk remedies for the treatment of underarm sweating

Folk remedies can help reduce increased sweating. Some of them may include:

  1. Soda solution. Dissolve the soda in water to form a paste and apply to the armpits. Soda can help kill odor-causing bacteria and reduce sweating.
  2. Lemon juice. Apply lemon juice to your armpits to reduce odor and reduce sweating.
  3. Melissa tea. Melissa can help reduce sweating and reduce odor. Prepare lemon balm tea and apply it to your armpits.
  4. Zinc oxide. Zinc oxide can help absorb moisture and reduce sweating. Apply zinc oxide to your armpits before going to bed and leave it on overnight.
  5. Tea tree leaves. Tea tree contains antiseptic properties that can help kill bacteria and reduce odor. Apply some tea tree oil to your armpits after showering.
  6. Dried sage leaves. Sage contains antiseptic properties and can help reduce sweating. Prepare an infusion of dried sage leaves and apply it to the armpits.

Before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor, especially if you have any allergies or medical problems.

Video: How to Stop underarm Sweat | Hyperhidrosis Treatment

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Comments (2)

- Jun 2, 2023 11:27:38
Excessive underarm sweating in women can be caused by various reasons, such as thyroid disorders, stress, certain medications, changes in hormonal levels, and others.
- May 31, 2023 22:50:49
If you suffer from excessive underarm sweating that does not improve with a natural antiperspirant or deodorant, see your doctor. He may prescribe treatment if the cause of excessive sweating is due to medical problems.
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