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Parrot fish: aquarium exotic

Parrot fish: aquarium exotic

Parrot fish (lat. Cichlidae) is a large family of freshwater fish, including many species. They are characterized by bright colors and large sizes, many of them are popular aquarium fish. Parrotfish can be aggressive and require special care, including regular aquarium cleaning, monitoring water quality and temperature, feeding regularly, and maintaining optimal living conditions.
Caring for goldfish

Caring for goldfish

Goldfish care includes regular aquarium cleaning and water changes, moderate feeding and control of the amount of food eaten, maintaining optimal temperature and water chemistry, and regularly checking the condition of the fish and their environment. To create optimal conditions for goldfish, it is necessary to choose the right filtration equipment, as well as select the appropriate plants and decorative elements for arranging an aquarium.
How to properly care for an aquarium

How to properly care for an aquarium

Maintaining an aquarium includes regular water changes, cleaning the glass of algae, maintaining an optimal pH and water temperature, feeding the fish regularly, and cleaning the filter. It is also necessary to control the number of fish in the aquarium to avoid overcrowding and overloading the filter. In addition, you should choose fish that are compatible in temperament and size, and don't add new fish too often to avoid stressing existing tank inhabitants.
What to do if a cat has dandruff? Causes

What to do if a cat has dandruff? Causes

Decoctions from plants such as calendula, nettle or burdock root will help you cope with cat dandruff. Dandruff is caused by excess oil production by the sebaceous glands. It can also be caused by too dry air in the room.