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Planting cauliflower and growing outdoors

Planting cauliflower and growing outdoors

Cauliflower should be planted in deep and fertile soil that contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. The plant needs constant access to water and sunlight, so choose a location where it will get enough light.
When to plant tomatoes for seedlings and how to do it?

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings and how to do it?

The best time for sowing tomatoes for seedlings is the end of February - the beginning of March. To do this, prepare the soil, consisting of equal parts of humus, peat and sand. Seeds should be planted at a depth of 1-1.5 cm and moisten the soil. After that, the container with crops should be placed in a warm and bright place to provide optimal conditions for germination.
How to plant garlic before winter for a good harvest

How to plant garlic before winter for a good harvest

Garlic is a low-calorie product that contains many beneficial substances such as alicin, vitamin C, selenium, manganese and others. It helps to strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, and also has antibacterial and antiviral properties.