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How to plant garlic before winter for a good harvest

How to plant garlic before winter for a good harvest logo
( 3 votes, average 4.67 out of 5 )
Garlic is a low-calorie product that contains many beneficial substances such as alicin, vitamin C, selenium, manganese and others. It helps to strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, and also has antibacterial and antiviral properties.
What will be in the article
  1. Video: All Tips for Planting Garlic Before Winter! (SUPER WAY OF PLANTING GARLIC)
  2. The benefits of winter cultivation
  3. How to plant garlic for the winter, when?
    1. Seeding beds
  4. Video: Yes! You Can Plant Garlic Late Winter & Early Spring: All the Steps!
    1. Planting material
  5. Video: How to Grow Lots of Garlic | Complete Guide from Planting to Harvest
    1. Agricultural measures
  6. Video: Time for Planting Garlic | Winter Gardening
  7. Classic landing patterns
  8. Video: How to Plant Late Season Garlic
  9. Rate the author (3)
  10. Comments (2)

Experienced gardeners prefer to plant not spring, but winter garlic. The fundamental difference between the species is the timing of planting. Spring crops are planted in spring, winter crops are planted before winter. There is also a difference in consumer qualities: in a winter plant, the head is larger in mass and size, it has many teeth, the bulbous vegetable is stored longer.

If you want to grow winter garlic in the garden, you need to know what you need to put in the hole when planting garlic, how to prepare the teeth, to comprehend the simple techniques of agricultural culture.

Video: All Tips for Planting Garlic Before Winter! (SUPER WAY OF PLANTING GARLIC)

The benefits of winter cultivation

Planting winter garlic is considered “good form” at gardeners. Popular varieties - “Lyubasha”, “Bogatyr”, “Germidor”, “Semidor”. Cultivation before winter provides a number of advantages:

  • early harvest. Winter garlic ripens a month earlier than spring garlic;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations: ”tempered” in winter, young garlic is not afraid of return frosts;
  • Long shelf life. Winter varieties are stored for 6-8 months;
  • shooting. From the arrows you can get planting material, use them in home canning.

By the beginning of autumn, gardeners have less work to do. This “golden” time to improve agrotechnical knowledge. You can study how competent planting tomato seedlings takes place, draw up a plan for spring gardening, plant winter garlic without haste.

Winter Garlic Bulbs
Winter garlic bulbs

To get a bountiful harvest, you need to follow the rules of cultivation.

How to plant garlic for the winter, when?

The favorable period is mid-autumn, but you should also focus on the beginning of frosts. It is optimal to plant the bulbs 2 weeks before they start, so that the root system grows.

Planting too early is undesirable as green shoots may appear. If they “take” frost, the plant will not survive the winter. Garlic should take root before the onset of stable cold weather, in which case the plants will overwinter well.

Seeding beds

Garlic grows well on soils with neutral acidity. A site well lit by the sun, protected from the northern winds, is suitable. It is not necessary to choose a place where water will be collected. It is better to arrange a bed on an elevated site, without shady trees nearby.

How to prepare a bed for planting garlic before winter? This should be done in advance, in August. Required:

  • clear the site of previous crops. Favorable predecessor plants are nightshade, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • dig up the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet;
  • loosen the soil with a rake;
  • fertilize the ground.

What kind of fertilizer is applied for garlic in autumn? A proven recipe for combined fertilizer per cubic meter of soil:

  • half of a bucket of humus or compost;
  • 10 g of saltpeter;
  • 20 g of any mineral fertilizer.

After spreading, the soil should be moved and left for 2 weeks. Fresh organic matter cannot be used, fertilizer can burn the roots.

Fertilizing the soil in the fall, before planting winter garlic
Fertilizing the soil in autumn, before planting winter garlic

To get a good harvest, it is important to properly prepare the planting material. If you have time, get ready for the new gardening season from autumn, learn how to germinate pepper seeds, grow basil for seedlings, etc.< /p>

Video: Yes! You Can Plant Garlic Late Winter & Early Spring: All the Steps!

Planting material

The first stage of preparation is sorting. A single defective clove will subsequently infect the entire bulb. All suspicious teeth with mechanical damage, signs of pest infestation must be removed from the planting lot.

A common question for beginner gardeners is do I need to soak garlic before planting for the winter. Yes, soaking in a fungicide solution is a good prevention of fungal diseases. Soaking in a saline solution has a disinfecting effect: 3 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water. After soaking, the teeth are dried.

It is necessary to divide the bulb into teeth immediately before planting, so that the part of the bulb in which the roots form does not dry out. The clove is placed in the ground with the bottom down. The largest external specimens are selected, since only a large bulb grows from large teeth. It is not necessary to press the seeds so as not to compact the soil under future roots. The sown furrows fall asleep, leveled.

Planting garlic
Planting garlic

The final stage of planting is soil moisture. Winter garlic is watered only in dry autumn, once every 2 weeks.

Video: How to Grow Lots of Garlic | Complete Guide from Planting to Harvest

Agricultural measures

Do I need to cover the garden with garlic for the winter? Mulching protects plants from winter frosts, saves heat. Mulch from compost, rotten straw, fallen leaves is an additional source of nutrients for the crop.

In the northern climatic zones, it is recommended to cover the beds with spruce branches to effectively retain the snow cover.

Already in March, winter garlic sprouts its first sprouts. During this period, proper care is important. It is necessary to make top dressing with nitroammophos. Fertilizer is incorporated into the soil by loosening. After 2 weeks, feeding with a complex mineral preparation is repeated. The third time fertilizers are applied during the period of active formation of bulbs. Recommended formulations are an aqueous solution of superphosphate or potassium monophosphate.

When the arrows and lower leaves turn yellow, and the bulbs are slightly cracked, the crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. Dug specimens can be left to dry directly on the beds without removing the stems. It is recommended to return garlic to its original place of growth after 4-6 years.

Winter Garlic Harvest
Winter garlic harvest

Video: Time for Planting Garlic | Winter Gardening

Classic landing patterns

Traditional seating pattern:

  • the distance between the beds is 40-45 cm;
  • the distance between the bulbs is 1-12 cm;
  • depth - 8-9 cm on light soils, 6-7 - on loamy soils.

Densely fill the beds should not be: the plant needs enough space to form large heads.

To save space on the site, you can use alternative planting patterns:

  • in two tiers in rows: two teeth are placed in one hole: one - to a depth of 7-8 cm, the second - 13 cm;
  • in two tiers “checkerboard”: to different depths in different holes.

Plant a spicy crop before winter correctly and enjoy the wonderful taste of winter garlic.

Video: How to Plant Late Season Garlic

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Hi all! In this blog we post useful information on the topic when to plant garlic before winter, planting dates. If you have questions or ideas that we did not cover in our article, write about it in the comments.
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Comments (2)

- May 12, 2023 14:33:29
Garlic is very very useful for a variety of diseases. This is probably the most powerful antioxidant among all vegetables: it lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, thins the blood, reducing the risk of blood clots in the vessels, and preventing cancer.
- May 10, 2023 14:52:29
I did not know that garlic can be planted before the onset of winter. Do not judge strictly, I'm just a beginner gardener. Now I know what winter crops are :) Thanks for the useful information.
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