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sample 330x60

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Causes and treatment of severe sweating

Causes and treatment of severe sweating

Excessive sweating in women can be caused by a variety of reasons, including medical conditions, the use of certain medications, changes in hormonal balance, and stress. In some cases, excessive sweating may be a normal response of the body to heat, physical activity, or stress.
What to do with cervical erosion

What to do with cervical erosion

If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, then first of all you need to contact a gynecologist for advice and treatment. Depending on the degree of erosion and other factors, your doctor may recommend different treatments.
What gynecological diseases do women have

What gynecological diseases do women have

Among gynecological diseases in women, such common pathologies as vaginal infections, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, cervical polyps, cervical cancer and ovarian cancer can be distinguished. Each of these diseases has its own causes, symptoms and treatments.
The benefits and harms of milk-kefir fungus

The benefits and harms of milk-kefir fungus

Dairy fungus is a specific type of fungus that is used to produce fermented milk products such as kefir or yogurt. On the one hand, milk fungus is a source of beneficial bacteria that help strengthen the immune system and normalize the digestive tract. However, if used improperly, milk fungus can become a source of harmful bacteria and cause various diseases. In addition, its use can cause allergic reactions and deterioration in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.