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How to give an injection in the buttock: very detailed instructions

How to give an injection in the buttock: very detailed instructions logo
( 1 vote, average 5 out of 5 )
To administer a shot into the buttock (injection), select the upper outer quadrant of the buttock first to avoid damage to nerves and blood vessels. Disinfect the skin with an antiseptic, draw the solution into the syringe by inserting the needle at a 90-degree angle and quickly inject the solution, then carefully remove the needle and cover the injection site with cotton wool to prevent bleeding. Be sure to monitor the patient's condition and consult a doctor if necessary.
What will be in the article
  1. How to Properly Prepare and Give an Injection
    1. 1. Choosing a Place
    2. 2. Hand hygiene
    3. 3. Gathering all the necessary materials
    4. 4. Preparing the medicine
    5. 5. Determine the injection site
    6. 6. Performing the injection
    7. 7. Pay attention to the patient's condition
    8. Additional recommendations
  2. When an injection should only be given by a doctor
  3. Rate the author (1)
  4. Comments (1)

Buttock injections are a common way to administer medications, and the reason for this is that the gluteal muscle is quite large. Its size allows for comfortable administration of significant volumes of medication. In addition, many people find it easier and calmer to receive injections when they cannot see the process itself. This is especially true for those who have a fear of needles or blood.

It is important to remember that only a doctor should prescribe any injections. He or she will also decide whether such procedures can be carried out at home, if necessary.

How to Properly Prepare and Give an Injection

Preparing for the injection will take a little time, but it is an important step to ensure the safety of the patient.

1. Choosing a Place

Find a suitable place to perform the procedure. Make sure there is a table on which you can place all the necessary materials. Good lighting and sufficient free space will also be necessary.

The person receiving the injection can be standing, lying on their side or stomach. The person giving the injection should also be comfortable to avoid hand tremors and sudden movements when inserting the needle.

2. Hand hygiene

You need to wash your hands three times: before collecting all the instruments, immediately before the injection and after the procedure.

Start by lathering your hands with soap, thoroughly washing each part - the outer side, the spaces between the fingers and the nails. Clasp your palms together and hold them in this position so as not to miss the inner side. This process should take at least 40 seconds. After washing, your hands should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and dried with a clean towel or disposable napkin.

3. Gathering all the necessary materials

To ensure that the injection goes quickly and without problems, you will need:

  • The drug. Check its expiration date and name.
  • Solvent. Usually, special water for injections or 9% saline solution is used if the drug is in powder form and needs to be diluted.
  • Disposable syringe. The volume of the syringe should correspond to the amount of drug. If the drug needs to be diluted, take a larger syringe.
  • Needles. One for injecting the drug, the other for piercing the rubber cap of the bottle with the powder.
  • Injection wipes. It is recommended to take several: for treating the injection site and for covering the wound after the injection.
  • Tray or plate. It is convenient to place all the necessary items on them without cluttering the work surface. Before use, the dishes should be washed and treated with an antiseptic.
  • Disposable medical gloves. They are necessary to protect both the patient and the health worker from possible infections.
  • Patches. They will be needed to cover the injection site after the procedure and to avoid contamination of clothing.

Following these steps will help to perform the injection safely and effectively, minimizing possible risks and making the process easier for both the patient and the person performing the injection.

4. Preparing the medicine

Now that all the necessary items are collected, you can proceed to the process of drawing the medicine into the syringe. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. First, wash your hands again and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Put on medical gloves and treat them with an antiseptic.
  3. Take the ampoule with the drug, treat it, and then carefully open it.
  4. Place the bottle on the prepared tray or plate.
  5. Open the syringe packaging.
  6. Remove the protective cap from the needle and draw the medicine into the syringe.

If your medicine is in powder form, the order will be slightly different. After disinfecting the bottle, first draw the solvent into the syringe, then carefully pierce the cap of the factory bottle. Shake the syringe so that the contents get inside. After this, without removing the needle, mix the plant well so that the powder dissolves, and draw the resulting solution back into the syringe. Don't forget to change the needle to a new one.

5. Determine the injection site

To choose the right injection site, mentally divide the buttock into squares. Draw a vertical and horizontal line in the center to determine the upper outer quadrant - this is the area suitable for injection. Before the injection, make sure that there are no lumps or scars in the chosen area.

determine the injection site on the butt

If you feel tension and are not sure where to inject, you can carefully draw a cross with a marker and mark the exact injection site in a circle. After this, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly.

6. Performing the injection

Now that all the preparations are done, let's move on to the procedure itself:

  1. Hold the syringe with the needle pointing up and release any excess air.
  2. Ask the patient to relax. Tense muscles can make the injection more painful.
  3. Gently massage the injection area to help the body absorb the medication faster.
  4. Clean the buttock with an injection pad. Start with a large area, then wipe the specific area where the injection will be. Move from the center to the edges or from the bottom up - in one direction.
  5. Pull the skin to make the surface smoother and tighter.
  6. Make sure you hold the syringe by the barrel, not the plunger. If you press the plunger too early, the needle may not have time to go in deeply.
  7. Set the needle perpendicular to the skin.
  8. Insert the needle in one smooth motion, leaving 0.5-1 cm on the surface.
  9. Try not to jerk the syringe. Now you can hold the body of the syringe with one hand and smoothly press the plunger with the other.
  10. Inject the medication slowly, at a rate of about 1 ml per 10 seconds.
  11. Take an alcohol swab and hold it near the injection site.
  12. Pull out the needle in one sharp motion, then quickly press the swab on the wound, holding it for a few seconds. Do not rub the area.
  13. After this, apply a patch to the injection site.
  14. Discard all used instruments.
  15. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after completing the procedure.

It is important to remember that each injection is a small stress for the body, so try to remain as calm and careful as possible during the procedure.

7. Pay attention to the patient's condition

After the injection is given, it is recommended that the patient spend the next 15-20 minutes under your supervision. This is an important measure, because unpredictable reactions to the drug can appear immediately after the injection. For example, some may experience symptoms such as fever, rash, difficulty breathing, or vomiting.

It is especially important to be attentive in cases where there is a possibility of an error with the drug. If the wrong medication is chosen, it can lead to serious consequences, such as anaphylactic shock. This dangerous reaction causes the lips, tongue, and throat to swell sharply, and the person may have difficulty breathing. If you notice such symptoms, you should call an ambulance immediately.

Additional recommendations

If the injection is painful, be sure to administer the medication slowly. This is important: it seems that a rapid injection can make the procedure easier, but in fact, a smooth injection reduces discomfort.

Do not be afraid to additionally treat the ampoule and your hands with an antiseptic. This step will help prevent possible infections.

When you need to change needles after drawing up the medication, do not remove the protective cap from the new needle until you attach it to the syringe. This will prevent injury. Also, do not try to cover the needle with a cap if you have already removed it — this can be dangerous.

When an injection should only be given by a doctor

There are situations when an injection should not be given without a doctor.

Firstly, if the patient has never taken the prescribed medication, it is important that it is done under the supervision of a specialist. Since injectable drugs go straight into the bloodstream, they can cause reactions very quickly. It is better to monitor the occurrence of side effects in a medical facility.

Secondly, if the patient suffers from blood-borne infections, such as HIV or hepatitis, a doctor's supervision is also required. This is especially true if you do not know the patient's status and there is a possibility of such diseases.

Finally, if the person giving the injection is nervous or unsure of what they are doing, it is better to seek help from a specialist. An incorrect action can lead to damage to the sciatic nerve, which will cause severe pain and even loss of sensitivity in the area where the injection was administered. It is better to take action with confidence in your abilities.

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Comments (1)

- Jan 21, 2025 12:46:32
Here are brief instructions for performing an injection in the buttock:

1. Preparation: Gather all the necessary materials: a syringe with the drug, an antiseptic, cotton pads and gloves. Select the upper outer quadrant of the buttock for injection.

2. Disinfection: Treat the injection site with an antiseptic and let it dry.

3. Injection: Insert the needle at a 90-degree angle to the skin, quickly and confidently. Inject the drug slowly, then carefully remove the needle.

4. To finish: Press the injection site with a cotton ball to stop any bleeding and discard the used syringe.

If you have doubts or are not sure of your actions, it is better to contact a specialist.
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