How to get rid of belly fat? Try all six methods at once, and the result will not take long to come.
The waist circumference, unlike the hips or shoulders, depends not only on subcutaneous fat, but also on visceral fat. This type of fat is located in the abdominal cavity, hiding behind the abdominal muscles and surrounding the internal organs. With age, the volume of subcutaneous fat can decrease, while visceral fat increases. And this is far from the best scenario.
Internal fat reserves not only add extra inches to your waist, but also increase the risk of developing serious diseases - hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases.
To return your stomach to a toned appearance, you need to work with both subcutaneous and visceral fat. We offer you six scientifically proven methods that will help you not only lose weight, but also maintain the result for a long time.
So, how to burn fat on your stomach - further in our article.
1. Reduce the calorie content of your diet
Cutting calories remains one of the most effective ways to combat belly fat. It is important to maintain a regimen in which energy expenditure exceeds energy intake.
According to a meta-analysis based on 89 studies, dieting and exercise can help get rid of about 4.2 kg of subcutaneous fat and about 1 kg of visceral fat, as well as reduce waist circumference by 6 cm. However, such data are only average: the studies focused on different aspects - some participants only dieted, others exercised, and still others - both.
The second systematic review analyzed 45 studies where participants were offered a restriction of 500-700 calories per day. Most of the experiments lasted less than six months, and only seven of them managed to last more than a year. On average, participants lost about 8 kg of fat across their entire body, including 22% subcutaneous fat on the abdomen and 31% visceral fat.
Following a low-calorie diet will certainly help reduce your waist size. However, you should not get carried away with a calorie deficit. For example, the UK National Health Service recommends reducing daily intake by 600 calories to achieve a weight loss effect. To calculate your individual norm, you can use a calorie calculator.
But it is worth mentioning that, despite the effectiveness of short-term diets, it is not easy to maintain the results. During the first two years after completing the diet, many people regain more than half of the lost kilograms, and after five years, only about 23% of the initially lost weight remains.
To increase the chances of a stable result, choose a diet that is suitable for you, which will be comfortable and will not cause a constant feeling of hunger or a desire to get rid of “forbidden” products.
2. Include more high-protein foods in your diet
Research shows that protein plays an important role in the weight loss process. For example, one meta-analysis covering 74 different studies examined the results of high- and low-protein diets. In the former, it made up 27% of the total diet, while in the latter, it was only 18%. The results showed that those on the high-protein diet lost 2.5 pounds more and shrank their waist by 0.6 inches in just three months compared to those on the low-protein diet.
While the difference may seem small, the researchers emphasize that it’s important to consider not just the amount of protein but also the potential risks and benefits when choosing a diet. However, protein has many other benefits that can help you shed pounds.
One of its biggest benefits is its ability to keep you feeling full for longer. In one study, participants on a low-calorie, low-fat diet made gains regardless of whether their meals contained 30% or 15% protein. However, those who had more protein in their diets were significantly less likely to feel hungry.
Yes, you can certainly lose weight if you reduce your daily calorie intake. But adding protein to your diet can help you avoid feeling hungry all the time.
Protein also protects against muscle loss, which often occurs when following low-calorie diets. For example, in one study, men who consumed 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight retained significantly more muscle mass than those whose diet contained only 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram. Interestingly, similar results were obtained for both men and women.
Another important point: protein can help prevent weight gain in the long term. A Danish study involving more than 42,000 people conducted over five years found that a high-protein diet protected against an increase in waist circumference.
According to recommendations from the World Health Organization, the norm for an adult is 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. However, increasing this amount to 1.6 g will not cause any negative consequences.
We recommend adding 1.2-1.4 g of protein per kilogram of body weight to your diet daily. Choose healthy sources: low-fat dairy products, poultry, legumes, seeds and nuts, fish, tofu. By focusing on protein, you will not only enrich your diet, but also significantly please your body.
3. Do cardio
To really lose weight, exercise alone is not enough — you also need to remember about proper nutrition. But when you combine diet with physical activity, the effect is much more noticeable: you lose weight faster and maintain the results for a long time.
Many studies have shown that moderate and high-intensity aerobic exercise is ideal for reducing visceral fat. Such activities include running, cycling, swimming, and other cardio exercises.
How do you know if you are working at the right intensity? A simple test can help you with this. If you can chat while working out, but are unable to sing, then you are at a medium intensity. If it becomes difficult to pronounce a few words and it takes time to catch your breath, then this is a high intensity. For those who prefer to work out alone, there is another way. If you can breathe through your nose - this is a medium intensity, and with your mouth open - high.
Aim for at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio per week. If possible, increase that to 150 minutes. For example, you could run for 50 minutes three times a week or take an intense group exercise class.
Don’t forget to continue exercising after you’ve achieved your desired results. Physical activity not only helps you shed extra pounds, but also helps you maintain your desired shape. In one study, those who occasionally did intense exercise had 7% less visceral fat and 2.5% less subcutaneous fat after five years than those who frequently skipped workouts.
Both aerobic exercise and strength training are great for maintaining your weight. In one study, women who lost about 25 pounds on a diet gained only 7.5-8.5 pounds in a year when they added cardio and strength training, while those who ignored the exercises gained about 13.5 pounds back and functionally increased their visceral fat by 25-38%.
It's important to note that abdominal exercises alone — such as crunches or sit-ups — do not affect the amount of fat in the abdominal area. They certainly help strengthen the core, but you shouldn't count on getting rid of fat with their help alone. Instead, go for a run or a bike ride, they'll really do the trick.
4. Reduce your sugar intake and give up sugary drinks
Sugar is a real trap that can seriously undermine your weight control efforts. The more sweets you eat, the higher the likelihood of exceeding your daily calorie intake and having problems with your waistline. This is especially true for sugary drinks, which, in addition to extra calories, do not bring any benefits to the body and do not satiate. They contain no nutrients or dietary fiber, which makes them even more insidious.
According to a study of more than 2,500 American adults, those who drink drinks with added sugar every day have 10% more visceral fat compared to those who avoid them.
Of course, you should think about reducing the amount of sweet drinks in your diet. But if you have a sweet tooth, do not rush to completely limit desserts. There is a risk that such an approach will lead to stress and breakdowns.
In a meta-analysis, scientists specifically noted: replacing foods high in sugar with other carbohydrates with a similar calorie content, you will not get the expected effect on weight loss. In other words, sweets become problematic primarily due to their high calorie content.
But a complete rejection of your favorite sweets can be the beginning of problems. Therefore, it is better to stick to the golden mean and limit the amount of added sugar in the diet to 5% of the total calorie volume, as recommended by the World Health Organization.
For clarity: if your daily diet is 1,500 calories, then the amount of sugar should not exceed 75 calories - this is about 3-4 teaspoons.
5. Swap refined grains for whole grains
When grains are processed and their shell and germ are removed, they lose many useful elements - this is how refined products are created. These include white rice, white wheat flour and, accordingly, products made from it: bread, pastries, pasta.
Studies involving more than 2.8 thousand people show that refined grain products can lead to an increase in fat deposits in the abdomen. Whole grains, on the other hand, have a protective effect and help reduce fat content.
One Danish study noted that the level of refined grains and potatoes in the diet was directly related to waist circumference in women: the more refined foods they consumed, the higher the risk of accumulating fat in the abdominal area. On the other hand, carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits helped reduce this risk. The situation was similar in men, but the results were not so clear-cut.
If you can’t imagine your life without bread and pasta, simply replace them with whole grain options and try to eat them in moderation. This will not only please your taste buds, but also significantly improve your health.
6. Get Quality Sleep
Lack of sleep can have serious effects on your body: it disrupts the hormones responsible for hunger and satiety, and reduces insulin sensitivity. One study found that lack of sleep can increase calorie intake by about 250 calories per day, while reducing energy expenditure by 100 calories. As a result, this can lead to overeating and fat accumulation, including unwanted belly fat.
But that's not all! Irregular sleep patterns and chronic lack of sleep can make it difficult to lose weight, even if you're watching your diet and maintaining a calorie deficit. In one small experiment, participants were put on a low-calorie diet for 14 days. One group slept 5.5 hours a night, while the other group slept 8.5 hours. As a result, those who slept less lost 55% less fat and lost 60% more muscle mass than their better-rested competitors.
Getting enough sleep can also help prevent an increase in waist size. A five-year study found that people under 40 who slept 6-7 hours a night had significantly lower levels of subcutaneous and visceral fat compared to those who slept less than 5 hours or more than 8.
In addition to the duration of sleep, it is important to pay attention to its quality. Research shows that frequent awakenings, difficulty falling asleep, and disrupted nighttime routines are directly linked to increased levels of visceral fat.
To improve the quality of your sleep and prevent belly fat from growing, here are some simple tips:
- Sleep at least 7 hours every night.
- Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night, even on weekends.
- Stop using gadgets 30 minutes before bed, especially if you have trouble falling asleep.
- Avoid alcohol and heavy foods shortly before bed.
- Give up caffeine in the afternoon.
- Keep your bedroom dark and cool.
If all your efforts are ineffective, you should consult a doctor. Getting enough sleep is vital not only for staying in shape, but for your overall health. Take care of yourself!

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