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Women Health

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How to get rid of sweaty feet permanently

How to get rid of sweaty feet permanently

Sweaty feet can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as increased activity of the sweat glands, wearing uncomfortable shoes, improper diet, and other factors. To permanently get rid of sweaty feet, you need to take a set of measures.
How to get rid of underarm sweating

How to get rid of underarm sweating

There are several ways that can help get rid of underarm sweating: using an antiperspirant; avoid wearing synthetic fabrics and prefer natural materials such as cotton, linen or wool; maintain hygiene, shower regularly, use soap or shower gel to remove bacteria and odors; avoid spicy and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and coffee; try using a deodorant based on natural ingredients such as coconut oil, baking soda, or starch.
Causes and treatment of severe sweating

Causes and treatment of severe sweating

Excessive sweating in women can be caused by a variety of reasons, including medical conditions, the use of certain medications, changes in hormonal balance, and stress. In some cases, excessive sweating may be a normal response of the body to heat, physical activity, or stress.
What to do with cervical erosion

What to do with cervical erosion

If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, then first of all you need to contact a gynecologist for advice and treatment. Depending on the degree of erosion and other factors, your doctor may recommend different treatments.