How do you get grass stains out of jeans?
To remove a grass stain on jeans, you will need to: mix 1 part vinegar with 2 parts water in a large container, place the jeans in a container and leave for several hours, remove the jeans from the solution and squeeze out excess moisture, dilute the liquid dish detergent with water and apply on the grass stain, leave for a few minutes, then wipe the stained area with a soft brush. After that, wash the jeans in the washing machine with the addition of a standard amount of detergent and bleach, if necessary. For a more stubborn stain, it may be necessary to repeat the washing process several times.

How to wash tulle in a washing machine and with your hands?
Each type of tulle may have its own care instructions, so it is recommended to follow the instructions on the product label: use a gentle cycle with cold water and a mild detergent that will not damage the fabric, do not tumble dry or tumble dry, make sure the tulle fits in the washing machine loosely spread to avoid wrinkles and wrinkling.

How to wash a down jacket in a car or with your own hands?
Check the label on your down jacket to make sure it is machine washable. If the label says 'Dry Clean Only', do not machine wash your down jacket. It is important to remember that washing a down jacket in a washing machine can lead to a loss of its shape and volume.

What temperature should be in the refrigerator and how to set it?
The optimum temperature in the refrigerator should be between 2 and 4 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the products will retain their freshness and will not lose their nutritional properties for a long period of time. If the temperature in the refrigerator is below 2 degrees, then some foods, such as leafy vegetables, may freeze, and if the temperature is above 4 degrees, the food spoils faster and may become unsafe to eat.