- Video: What's The Ideal Temperature For Your Refrigerator?
- Types and categories of refrigerators
- Video: What temperatures should I keep my refrigerator and freezer set at?
- Operating modes of the refrigerator
- Video: What temperature should I set my refrigerator to?
- What t should be in the refrigerator with food?
- Video: What is the ideal fridge temperature
- Signs of incorrect temperature conditions
- How to properly regulate the temperature in the refrigerator?
- Video: What are the ideal temperature settings for a refrigerator and a freezer?
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Support of the heat and cold mode recommended by manufacturers in the refrigeration unit is a way to preserve food and its taste for a long time, extend the working life of the device, and reduce defrosting intervals.
There is no bad smell in the chamber at normal temperature. What temperature should the refrigerator shelves be maintained at? The indicators depend on the design, category of household appliances, on the features of operation, for example, the frequency of opening / closing.
Many issues of home economics, which at first glance seem obvious, require detailed study. Some consumers do not know how to clean a washing machine and are forced to make repairs ahead of time, others do not have information about temperature conditions and overpay for unnecessary functionality.
Let's look into the issue in more detail.
So, what is the ideal temperature for a refrigerator - further in our article.
Video: What's The Ideal Temperature For Your Refrigerator?

Types and categories of refrigerators
The technological design of the devices directly generates the temperature that should be in the main compartment. Main types of appliances:
- compressor rooms in which the refrigerant circulates;
- models with heat exchanger;
- thermoelectric;
- with a vortex-type cooling element.

The cooling system is static, in which the temperature spreads through the levels according to the principle the higher the shelf, the higher the degree. In dynamic type devices with a built-in fan, a uniform temperature regime is distributed in the working chamber, there are zones for storing different types of products.
The most technologically advanced cooling systems - No Frost. The device does not require defrosting, the products are stored for a long time without changing the original properties. Since these models are the most popular, we will consider the optimal values for them.

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Video: What temperatures should I keep my refrigerator and freezer set at?

Operating modes of the refrigerator
Manufacturer's recommendations for No Frost devices:
- plus 2-8 °C in the main chamber;
- 0°C in the location of vegetables, meat, fish that have not been frozen;
- minus 18°C in the freezer.
At the set temperature of 4°C, the performance in different zones may differ. The cold is distributed like this:
- in models with a freezer at the top, the coolest place is the top shelf, plus 3-5 °C. Here you can store fish, meat, perishable products, from which you plan to cook soon;
- on the middle shelves - plus 3-5°C. Groceries, milk are placed here;
- on the door - 5-10°C. This is the warmest place where you can put sauces, drinks;
- if the model has a freshness zone with t 5-10°C, vegetables, fruits, greens are best preserved in it.
If the refrigerator door is rarely opened, the temperature in all zones equalizes.

Video: What temperature should I set my refrigerator to?

What t should be in the refrigerator with food?
What is the best temperature to set in the refrigerator? There is no single answer to this question. It is worth adhering to the recommendations on the temperature regime for certain categories of products.
There are a few rules regarding adjustment:
- taking into account the air temperature in the kitchen. The higher it is, the lower the degree should be in the inner chamber;
- Performing a chill test. At night, a glass of water T 15 degrees is placed on the middle shelf. In the morning, the temperature of the water in the glass is measured, thus determining the degree of cooling;
- The shelf life of products should be correlated with their quality. Quick spoilage may signal an initially poor quality, but not a malfunction of the device.
The use of hermetic packages for products, trays with lids contributes to maintaining the set temperature. Do not keep dishes open, as this can cause an odor in the entire chamber.
Video: What is the ideal fridge temperature

Signs of incorrect temperature conditions
There are a number of signs by which you can determine that the temperature is set incorrectly:
- products on the shelves completely or partially freeze through;
- food taken out of the refrigerator is too warm;
- prepared meals spoil quickly;
- condensation forms on the walls;
- The ice crust is melting on containers stored in the freezer.

Why does the refrigerator get very cold? The reason for this may not only be an overestimated cold indicator. Severe frost indicates a malfunction in the thermostat, a refrigerant leak, or a worn door seal. First of all, you need to check these elements. For testing, it is better to invite the master.
How to properly regulate the temperature in the refrigerator?
How to determine the temperature in the refrigerator? You need to do this to check the health of the device or if there are doubts about the relevance of the temperature regime.
In modern models, the indicators are displayed on the LED display on the door. You can read about how to adjust the temperature in the instructions for the device.
The method for setting temperature readings varies by model. It can be a mechanical push button switch or an electronic display. In older models, a room thermometer is used to determine the internal t, which is placed in a saucer on the middle shelf.

When adjusting, do not set limit values in both chambers. The device will turn off less often, which will negatively affect its working life and electricity bills.
To maintain a given thermal regime, it is recommended to follow simple rules:
- do not put cold food in the refrigerator;
- Fill the main chamber at least half way. If there is nothing to put on the shelves, you can use water bottles;
- try to close the door quickly;
- regularly clean up shelves and in the freshness zone, where condensation is likely to accumulate, odors appear;
- distribute products so that there is room above them for free air circulation;
- if the design involves defrosting, do not neglect the procedure.
The correct temperature regime and proper handling of the refrigerator, in the end, saves the budget, since the purchased stocks last longer, and the device works without failures.
Video: What are the ideal temperature settings for a refrigerator and a freezer?

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