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Bolognese dog (Italian lap dog), breed description

Bolognese dog (Italian lap dog), breed description logo
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The Bolognese dog is a small purebred dog originating from Italy. They have a soft, fluffy white coat that requires regular grooming and hygiene. Bolognese have a balanced and friendly character, they love attention and communication with people.
What will be in the article
  1. Video: Bolognese Dog Breed - TOP 10 Interesting Facts
  2. When did the breed appear?
  3. Video: Bolognese: Dog Breed Information
  4. What does an Italian bichon look like?
  5. Video: Bolognese Dog Breed - TOP Interesting Facts
  6. Temperament, habits
  7. Video: Bolognese dog VS Bichon Frise - Breed Comparison - Bichon Frise and Bolognese dog Differences
  8. Maintenance and care
    1. Health
    2. Hygiene
    3. Learning
    4. Feeding
  9. Summary
  10. Video: Bolognese Dog - Top 10 Facts
  11. Rate the author (1)
  12. Comments (1)

Bolognese, Italian lap dog, bichon - the name of the same decorative breed of small dogs. Outward similarity with plush toys, cute character, willingness to become a devoted companion to the owners, friendliness are reasons to get a pet. Before deciding to take such a step, you should find out how much a Bolognese dog costs, how to properly care for it.

Video: Bolognese Dog Breed - TOP 10 Interesting Facts

When did the breed appear?

Like the bolognese sauce of the same name, the breed originated in Bologna, Italy. The first mentions date back to the 12th century. It is known that miniature dogs enjoyed the favor of the nobility, lived at the royal courts.

The popularity of Italian lapdogs in the aristocratic environment is confirmed by the canvases of medieval artists. Despite the ancient origin, the official registration of the breed in international registries took place in 1995.

In the Bichon family, there are lapdogs with a similar appearance and character. What are the breeds of lapdogs? Maltese, Hawaiian, French (Bichon Frize), Louchen, Madagascar Bichon. All of them, like the German Pinscher dog, are great with children and have a peaceful disposition, but the Bolognese is considered the smartest.


There are also dogs that look like lapdogs: Affen Pinscher, Papillon, Toy Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian. It is believed that the Bolognese is the result of crossing a toy poodle and a Maltese, which confirms the external resemblance and two main external signs, white color and curly hair. How to tell a poodle from a lap dog? The poodle has a more elongated muzzle. If you still doubt the breed when buying, you should look into the documents.

Italian Lapdog
Italian lap dog. Appearance and dimensions

Video: Bolognese: Dog Breed Information

What does an Italian bichon look like?

The Italian lap dog is a stocky mini dog with harmonious proportions. Standard physiological parameters:

  • height 25-30 cm, males slightly larger than females;
  • weight 2.5-4 kg;
  • life span is 13-15 years.

The head is round, slightly flattened on top. The back is straight with moderately developed muscles, the chest and abdomen are taut. The neck is long. Paws are straight, neat, proportional to the size of the body. The head is egg-shaped, the ears hang down behind the cheeks. The tail is curled over the back. Claws are black. White teeth.

A somewhat puppet-like appearance of the dog is given by a large black nose and close-set black eyes. You can get great aesthetic pleasure from contemplating this creation.

The main pedigree sign of the Italian lapdog is a snow-white, silky, thick coat, which has curls at the ends. Dogs, despite the thick coat, do not shed. There is no undercoat, so the Bologna Bichons are often chilly. Find out in advance, how to knit clothes for dogs, what to prepare a warm jumpsuit and sweater for your pet for the winter.

Bolognese. Appearance.
Bolognese. Appearance.

Video: Bolognese Dog Breed - TOP Interesting Facts

Temperament, habits

Italian lapdogs are social creatures with an affectionate nature. They love all family members, they like the company of people, they do not tolerate loneliness. Typical character traits and behaviors:

  • lightness, energy of movement;
  • sociability;
  • timidity in the presence of strangers;
  • willingness to accompany the owner everywhere;
  • loudness. Addiction to active causeless barking must be stopped in early childhood;
  • not painful adaptation to new conditions;
  • wit, ability to learn.

The lapdogs like to sit on their hands, they easily endure travel. Dogs are not jealous, not touchy, responsive to affection. From an indifferent attitude, they can become depressed.

Bolognese feel great in carrying bags. It makes sense to accustom a dog to this type of movement from childhood.

Bolognese are sociable and friendly
Bolognese are sociable and friendly

Video: Bolognese dog VS Bichon Frise - Breed Comparison - Bichon Frise and Bolognese dog Differences

Maintenance and care

Despite belonging to decorative breeds, bichons need education.

Mistakes made during upbringing turn into aggression and nervousness. From childhood, you need to instill in the dog certain rules of behavior, teach you to follow the simplest commands, not be afraid of extraneous sounds, then the dog will not grow up cowardly.

Key skills to teach:

  • execution of commands “sit, “stand”, ”fu”, “come”;
  • response to nickname;
  • walking on a leash;
  • knowledge of the place.

Bolognese Bichons are easy to care for. Consider the main aspects of the content.


To maintain a normal state, you need to walk the dogs 2 times a day for 30-40 minutes. In cold weather, bolognese is better not to display, as they freeze. Dogs are easily litter box trained, so this is not a problem.

The breed is characterized by good health. With age, eye problems, dislocation of the patella, and hip dysplasia may appear. With proper care, dogs live to a respectable age.


The dog's coat should be combed daily. Haircuts are recommended from time to time. Regular grooming makes grooming easier. Every day, you should keep your eyes and ears clean, monitor the condition of the oral cavity, trim the claws as they grow.

Bath your pet once a week, using shampoos and conditioners to straighten the coat and prevent tangles.


Animals respond well to training, but they do not benefit from serious physical exertion. The dog appreciates rewards and treats for his progress. The Italian lapdog quickly gets bored with monotonous activities, prefers to learn new skills in a playful way.

Playing and learning with a dog
Games and learning


There are two options for the diet: natural feeding and dry food. In the first case, 50% of the diet should be food of animal origin, meat, sea fish. To prevent vision problems, the natural diet is enriched with vitamin A, other vitamins and minerals.

Dry food is preferred premium class, appropriate for the age and breed of the animal.

Hosts should choose one diet option. Mixed feeding is not good for the animal's digestion.

Bolognese diet
Bolognese Diet


Italian lapdogs are good-natured smart dogs that quickly adapt to the living conditions of their owners. They get along well with other pets, easily learn the simplest commands, and have strong immunity. Due to their compact size, they are easy to keep in a small apartment.

The price of the breed depends on the pedigree, the purity of the color, the state of health. This is not the most expensive dog to keep at home.

Video: Bolognese Dog - Top 10 Facts

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Hi all! In this blog we post useful information on the topic italian lap dog (bolognese, bichon) - all about the dog, description of the breed. If you have questions or ideas that we did not cover in our article, write about it in the comments.
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Comments (1)

- May 31, 2023 14:02:34
They make excellent companions and can adapt to a variety of living conditions, including apartment life. However, like any other breed, the Bolognese has its own characteristics and healthy issues to consider when choosing this breed.
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