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Beautiful toasts

Total: 148
Beautiful toasts (id: 446553)
Two brothers received an
Two brothers received an inheritance. One closed his wealth in a chest, hired guards and was afraid of every sound, expecting theft. As a result, all his money went to pay for security. The second brother gave away half of his funds, coin by coin, investing in his friends' future projects. And with the rest I tried to open my own business. The case failed. And he, too, would have been left with nothing if it weren’t for any of his friends. He turned out to be very lucky, and the investment coin yielded a huge profit. So let's drink to faith in friends, foresight and loyalty. If these three things are in our lives, we will never become poor.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446508)
We will give a
We will give a beautiful toast to beauty as such. Aesthetics and earthiness of creatures. I wish to find it in everything in the world: in animals, wonderful people, children, work that is considered difficult, wealth, but not in money, but in feelings. In your own eyes, hands and heart. In everything that gets in the way.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446519)
Loving is so deep
Loving is so deep, living is so forever, making friends is so true, and breaking up is so easy!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446414)
Let our life be
Let our life be like a rainbow, because there are no dark colors in a rainbow. So let’s drink exclusively to a bright life!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446500)
When something is desired
When something is desired, it usually means that a person lacks something in his life. So I want to wish everyone good luck, which is never enough. Remember that the passengers of the Titanic had everything: wealth, success, youth and beauty, but they clearly didn’t have enough luck. So let's drink to good luck, which would accompany us in all our endeavors!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446430)
I want to drink
I want to drink to the hope that happiness will not leave us alone, love will be mutual and inspiring, and plans will always correspond to the result. So let's drink to that.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446515)
A white dove descended
A white dove descended from heaven to earth and circled above it for a long time. He was looking for a good person to give him happiness for half a century. Take a look around you. Don't you see the dove? And if you see it, then be a little more modest - grab your happiness quickly!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446505)
When I was young
When I was young I wanted to travel and see the world, but I had no money. Many years later, when I earned money, I could go wherever I wanted. But I no longer wanted to travel. Let's raise a glass to the fact that we want to live longer than we could in our lives!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446417)
Let's drink to love
Let's drink to love and happiness, inspiration and prosperity. Let your eyes always glow with joy and warmth. Appreciate every moment of your life, because it is unique!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446418)
I always wish you
I always wish you a festive mood, bright unforgettable emotions, harmony and prosperity. May all your dreams come true!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446412)
They say that the
They say that the most important thing for a person in this life is to have good health, true friends, a loving family and a well-paid job. It’s hard to disagree with this, but I’ll add on my own behalf: the most important thing is for there to be harmony in everything. So that that same profitable job does not deprive you of your health, because you can never buy it. So that friends do not separate from their family, because the attention and love of loved ones are also not for sale, they need to be protected. And finally, so that money does not spoil your character and health, because without the first you can be left without friends and family, and without the second you can cease to exist altogether. Let's drink to harmony in everything!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446413)
I wish you many
I wish you many happy bright days, unforgettable emotions and joyful events. Let miracles happen, let all your wishes come true! May success always accompany you in everything.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446415)
In the hustle and
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we forget about what we dreamed of, what we strived for, what we wanted to achieve and about those around us. They turned from sensitive, understanding and caring to businesslike, pragmatic and cynical. I suggest a drink so that everyone can find a place where they can perk up their spirits and learn to fly again. For a corner in which harmony reigns, where we love, we are loved and we are happy!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446416)
I raise a glass
I raise a glass to harmony always and in everything! I wish each of us to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. Let everything be harmonious and harmonious both in your personal life and in your work.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446419)
Let's drink to a
Let's drink to a life without illness, love without deception and thoughts without negativity! Let it be stable and confident! To the dregs.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446420)
I would like to
I would like to wish you a beautiful life and unlimited happiness! May all ideas come true, may all desires and dreams come true. May each day be brighter and more joyful than the previous one.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446421)
Let's drink to the
Let's drink to the hope that there will never be any obstacles on our path in life. Let the “green light” always shine for us in everything. Let your companions be a beautiful life, prosperity and prosperity.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446422)
A toast to the
A toast to the fact that all roads in front of us will be open, and that the paths will always be easy. Let there be tears in our eyes only from laughter, and let the shine be happy and kind. Let's drink to this.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446423)
Let's drink to the
Let's drink to the healthy Optimism with which we take on new achievements, to absolute Faith - everything is in our hands, to unfading Hope - it will burn out in any case, to unprecedented Luck that contributes to success and to unbreakable Friendship, thanks to which we are able to withstand, endure and win!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446424)
I propose to raise
I propose to raise a glass to ensure that our dreams will certainly come true. The most secret and most long-awaited. For our health to never let us down in our actions and deeds. The craziest and most important. And of course, drink so that happiness will always be on our side.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446425)
I wish you a
I wish you a beautiful, comfortable life, full of happiness and joy. May good luck, success, luck accompany you. Let optimism always be in your life.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446426)
For some life is
For some, life is an endless desert with small oases along the way. For some, it is a blooming valley, with soft grass, beautiful flowers, clear springs filled with happiness. Let each of us have a life path similar to the second example mentioned above!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446427)
May luck never let
May luck never let us down, may love be mutual and generous with good deeds, and may health allow us to do crazy things! Here's to a long and happy life.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446428)
Let your wallet be
Let your wallet be heavy, and not your heart, let love be intoxicating, and not alcohol, and let a good mood be annoying, and not boring everyday life! Let's drink to this.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446429)
I wish you more
I wish you more cloudless happy days, sweet romantic evenings and passionate nights. May every moment be beautiful and special. May all your dreams come true.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446431)
Beauty is in the
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is not in generally accepted signs, but in its individuality and zest, if someone considers something to be their shortcoming, a loving person sees great beauty in this, do not rush to change and correct yourself, be yourself.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446432)
Love and be loved
Love and be loved, make people around you happy - and you will be happy, pay attention to your health - and you will be healthy, enjoy everything - and there will be joy around you.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446433)
I wish you a
I wish you a sunny mood, frequent warm gatherings with people close to us, more exciting events and a lot of pleasant holidays!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446434)
I wish you tender
I wish you tender, sincere feelings, boundless happiness and excellent mood. Let every day be like a holiday. Let your dreams come true!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446435)
So that money flows
So that money flows in a stream, dreams certainly come true, and love fills our soul! Let's drink to all the good things.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446436)
Let's drink to the
Let's drink to the fulfillment of wishes. May all our dreams miraculously come true. Let's believe in miracles, and they will definitely happen!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446437)
For love For love
For love. For love for people, for the Motherland, for mother, for child, for animals, for work, for art. For the common love that exists in the world.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446438)
Everyone should have a
Everyone should have a second half. I wish those who have found it not to lose it, and those who are lonely to find it. And when there is a soul mate, take care, love and care.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446439)
It’s not for nothing
It’s not for nothing that they say that life is a long road. So let there never be any obstacles to moving forward on this road and let the “green light” always be on. Let's drink to the easy way out!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446440)
With all my heart
With all my heart I want to wish you a wonderful mood, a sea of ​​joy and smiles. Let every day give you unforgettable, bright emotions and only good memories!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446441)
The main thing in
The main thing in life is Luck, I wish everyone good luck and luck. On the Titanic, many were healthy, rich, loved, but not many were Lucky. For luck.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446442)
Let's drink to all
Let's drink to all that is good and bright! Let all worries and worries go away, and let peace, comfort and mutual understanding always reign in our homes.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446443)
What is happiness? They
What is happiness? They say it’s not about money, but without money it doesn’t exist either. I wish you endless happiness and a full wallet.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446444)
I suggest we raise
I suggest we raise a glass to all that is good. Let all the bad things, all the problems and worries go away, and let life be filled only with pleasant moments, vivid impressions and good deeds!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446445)
Let's drink to the
Let's drink to the fact that our other halves love us, that our colleagues at work value us as highly qualified specialists, and that our friends are reliable and never let us down.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446446)
Love is not blind
Love is not blind or sightless, but it only sees what may be important to it. May everyone sitting in this hall find happiness and great mutual love. After all, without her it’s not only sad, but also unbearable. The third glass is for love!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446447)
Let our pride not
Let our pride not become above all else, let understanding and equality live in our hearts. Anger and envy will go away, leaving love in its place!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446448)
I want to drink
I want to drink to all the good things: to love, to health, to our children and parents, to the sun and warmth, to the rainbow after the rain!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446449)
Everyone saw how early
Everyone saw how early in the morning a dewdrop falls from a leaf and gently lies on the ground. May beauty and idyll reign around you in the life of each of you!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446450)
Even if love lives
Even if love lives for 3 years, you need to believe that all this was invented by that person who does not know what love really is. This unearthly feeling cannot be exchanged for something else or simply forgotten and erased from your life. People, I call for love and trust. For love!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446451)
Let happiness overflow let
Let happiness overflow, let luck hit you right in the face, and let luck follow on your heels. Let your wishes come true every day.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446452)
May love and tenderness
May love and tenderness bestow upon every person. Let life become bright and cheerful. Let's drink to love, to faith, to hope - the main components of every personality.
Beautiful toasts (id: 446453)
In the world we
In the world we are all just guests. But we have every right to want and desire only the best! May the stars bow before us, may the forbidden fruit be sweet to us. Live as your heart tells you. Do what your soul wants!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446454)
Let's drink so that
Let's drink so that the time given to us by God does not fly so quickly. For your soul to always be at peace. For parents to live forever... But time, no matter how much we want it, is still fleeting!
Beautiful toasts (id: 446455)
Remember the three girls
Remember, the three girls under the window believed in different approaches to family happiness. The first supported the theory that the path to the heart lies through goodies, the second could clearly become a famous fashion designer in our time. But only the one who decided to give up her career and be the keeper of the hearth and the mother of children became a queen. So let's drink to the fact that no career experiences will replace our family values.
Total: 148 Showing: 1 .. 50

Beautiful toasts, which will be remembered