sample 330x60
sample 330x60

SMS to my beloved wife I miss you

Total: 6
SMS to my beloved wife I miss you (id: 197019)
Wife when you're not
Wife, when you're not around, I feel lonely. Let distances not separate us, but let time rather bring you back into my strong arms. I miss, my love, my tenderness, my meaning of life.
SMS to my beloved wife I miss you (id: 197020)
My beloved wife my
My beloved wife, my joy and my inspiration. Without you, the world seems gray and faded, life is not happy, but sad. I miss your smile, your gentle look, the silk of your hair and your tender touches!
SMS to my beloved wife I miss you (id: 197021)
Darling just recently we
Darling, just recently we were together, but I already missed you. Without you, days are meaningless and time passes very slowly. I'm looking forward to when we'll be around again!
SMS to my beloved wife I miss you (id: 197022)
I miss you my
I miss you, my love, my beautiful wife. When you are nearby, everything is good, but when you are far away, everything becomes somehow dull. And the only way out is to do something, constantly do it, so that time passes faster. I love you so much. You are my ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. I hug you tightly and kiss you sweetly and sweetly.
SMS to my beloved wife I miss you (id: 197023)
My wife is my
My wife is my joy. And without you, dear, it’s hard for me, like Pushkin without his muse - Natalia, like a little child locked in a damp basement. Darling, I miss you terribly and want to be near you so much. The minutes of separation made me understand that I can’t, don’t want and won’t be without you!
SMS to my beloved wife I miss you (id: 197024)
My dear wife I
My dear wife, I miss you very much. The only consolation is the fact that our separation is temporary. And with all my thoughts I bring the moment of our meeting closer. And no matter what anyone says, loving people should always be together. After all, you are my inspiration, my support, my talisman of luck. I feel very bad without you. I miss you and hug you tightly.