Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165594)
Dear dear beloved parents
Dear, dear, beloved parents, on your wedding day we would like to say “thank you” to you for everything and wish you many more years of great happiness and excellent health, strong strength and incredible energy. May the kindness and generosity of your hearts turn every day into a little fairy tale and a wonderful holiday for all of us. Thank you for being so wonderful with us.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165595)
Dear parents congratulations on
Dear parents, congratulations on your children’s wedding day! We wish that parental hearts do not know fears and worries! Let the happiness of your children warm you and make you happy! Be healthy, always happy and confident in your well-being and stability. Thank you for having us!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165596)
Dear parents congratulations Let
Dear parents, congratulations! Let your children's wedding day become the brightest and most joyful event! Let the young spouses live in love and harmony, in understanding and agreement. Let nothing and no one change their kind and gentle attitude towards each other!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165597)
My dear father and
My dear father and mother, congratulations to you! Without your marriage, there would be no me. So that makes it necessary for my very existence. May your life together always continue to be good and happy. Let it bring you nothing but joy.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165598)
Congratulations parents We wish
Congratulations, parents. We wish you to live in harmony and happiness. We wish to give each other warm smiles and wonderful moments. We wish you to always respect each other and love each other deeply. And may you, dear parents, have many, many years of a wealthy life ahead.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165599)
Dear parents congratulations on
Dear parents, congratulations on the formation of a new family. Your children fell in love with each other, and sealed their union with hope for a long and serene life. Always be their support and feel their attention to you. Be infinitely happy!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165600)
Our dearest and dearest
Our dearest and dearest people, our parents, thank you simply for having us, for your warmth, understanding, faith in us, support at the right moment and your boundless love. We are endlessly grateful to you for everything. We hope that you will become friendly matchmakers and become wonderful grandparents. I wish you good health and long life!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165601)
Congratulations Let this important
Congratulations! Let this important day be remembered for bright events, wonderful emotions and warmth that will warm hearts for many years. Let the family be strong, and let the pride in it be indescribable!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165602)
Dear parents congratulations on
Dear parents, congratulations on your wedding! You are my main example in life, who teaches you how to build a family correctly, how to take care of it and keep it. I wish you an ideal relationship, mutual understanding and endless tenderness for each other.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165603)
Dear parents on our
Dear parents, on our wedding day, on the holiday of our love and our happiness, we want to thank you and wish you good health, bright hopes, great success, daily luck, unquenchable happiness of the soul and well-being. Thank you, beloved ones, for giving us a good upbringing and giving us happy childhood years. We will always love you deeply, take care of you, and in the near future we will delight you with a visit with our beloved grandchildren.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165604)
Today you are the
Today you are the happiest parents, because for you, a wedding is no less bright and touching event that will live in your heart all your life. I wish you to be proud of your family, to live in peace and love, so that you are pleased with your achievements and victories.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165605)
Dear parents on our
Dear parents, on our wedding day we want to say “thank you so much” for raising us and giving us wonderful opportunities. Our dear ones, we wish you to live a hundred years without disappointments and grievances, without sadness and sadness. May you have good health, an always open soul and a truly kind heart. We love you dearly and hope to please you with wonderful grandchildren soon.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165606)
Dear parents on your
Dear parents, on your wedding day I sincerely wish you a beautiful and prosperous life, in which there will be no insults or quarrels. May every day give you happiness, joy, prosperity and harmony, may your love live forever!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165607)
Dear parents on our
Dear parents, on our wedding day, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help and support and we hope for your presence in our lives for many more years. We wish you happiness and thriving health, a lot of strength and vigorous energy. Stay close, be happy!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165608)
Let this day be
Let this day be remembered with good gifts and good wishes, smiles of loved ones and delightful mood. Happy wedding day to you, parents. I wish you not to retreat one step from your dreams. I wish to always support each other in everything. And may your family cup be full of love, prosperity and happiness.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165609)
Happy wedding day dear
Happy wedding day, dear parents! Happiness, love, comfort and warmth to you, beloved ones. Take care of your feelings, appreciate each other, cherish and idolize each other! Everything will be great for you, it simply cannot be otherwise! Bitterly!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165610)
Happy holiday my dear
Happy holiday, my dear parents! I wish your union to maintain a caring attitude towards each other, attentiveness and patience. May love never leave the kingdom of your hearts, and may common sense never leave your head. Stay healthy and happy for many years to come.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165611)
Today we are infinitely
Today we are infinitely happy, because we have become one family. And we are talking not only about us, but also about our kind, wonderful, most beautiful parents in the world. Thank you, dear ones, for giving us lucky tickets to adulthood. We wish you good health, patience, harmony of soul, inspiration and a lot of strength, because you will soon need them to raise your wonderful grandchildren. May the tree of our large and friendly family grow strong, may there be frequent meetings and happy holidays in our lives.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165612)
Congratulations Let this day
Congratulations! Let this day be a significant date in your personal calendar. Congratulations on your family, may it be strong, and may the years only strengthen your connection and feelings.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165613)
Today is an important
Today is an important day for you, because a new family has been born. The children have grown up, become independent and have finally flown out of the cozy nest that you have been building for years. But this is just another extra reason to be happy for them and wish them happiness!
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165614)
Dear and dear parents
Dear and dear parents, thank you for your wise advice and faithful support, for your kind blessing and strong love. Always be healthy and sincerely happy, live joyfully and look forward to your grandchildren.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165615)
Dear beloved wonderful magnificent
Dear, beloved, wonderful, magnificent parents, on our wedding day we want to say thank you for your sensitive hearts and faithful love, for your kind understanding and sincere support. Be happy, our dear ones, healthy and strong. Live cheerfully and cheerfully, achieving your goals and looking forward to the arrival of grandchildren.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165616)
Our dear and dear
Our dear and dear parents, on our wedding day we want to thank you for your sensitive hearts and kind care, for the happy years of childhood and excellent upbringing. Be always healthy, strong and successful. We wish you wellness and joyful events, respect and wonderful family holidays, and, of course, the most wonderful and best grandchildren.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165617)
My dear parents I
My dear parents, I congratulate you and on your wedding day I sincerely wish you to love each other, no matter what, take care of your family’s hearth, have wonderful holidays and always be on the same wavelength of dreams and happiness.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165618)
Dear parents today on
Dear parents, today, on our wedding day, we want to thank you for everything and sincerely wish you many years of peace and happiness, good health and prosperity, bright joy of the soul and impatience for your grandchildren.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165619)
On our wedding day
On our wedding day, we thank our wonderful and dear parents, who gave us a happy childhood, who gave us their love and care. Our dears, be always healthy, strong, successful and happy.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165620)
On our wedding day
On our wedding day, on our joyful and bright holiday, we want to thank our parents for the gift of a wonderful life and constant support. We wish you, dear ones, many years of health and happiness, peaceful skies and prosperity, a prosperous life and cheerful grandchildren.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165621)
On our wedding day
On our wedding day, when we started our own family, I would like to thank the closest and dearest people in my life - my dear parents. Our dears, thank you for always being there and helping with everything, thank you for your support and sincere love. We wish you good health, prosperity and prosperity.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165622)
Dear parents on our
Dear parents, on our wedding day we sincerely thank you for your kind hearts, for your tenderness and love, for your understanding and help. Our wonderful people, thank you for this wonderful day, for your support and efforts. May there be many more years of happiness, days of joy and holidays of fun in your lifetime. Be healthy and always welcome our visits.
Congratulations to parents on their wedding day (id: 165623)
Thank you my parents
Thank you, my parents, for the fact that today our happy family has gathered for such a significant event. Mom and dad are the dearest people who gave me life. I would like to wish you long life, happiness, love and mutual understanding. May we, after many years, gather again on this day at the festive table and shout together: “Bitter!”
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Congratulations to parents on their wedding day, which will be remembered