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Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother

Total: 17
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115226)
Congratulations to a wonderful
Congratulations to a wonderful grandmother on the birth of her beloved granddaughter. I wish with all my heart that the baby is strong and healthy, cheerful and happy, mischievous and sweet. May the boy's life be good and prosperous. I wish that the grandson will always be a real pride and sincere joy for his grandmother.
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115227)
Congratulations to the happiest
Congratulations to the happiest grandmother in the world! We wish that the happiness that splashes in your eyes today never leaves your life, but only becomes more and more. I wish that the birth of a granddaughter brings her not only a lot of joy, but also energy, excitement, patience, light and love. Let your granddaughter grow up strong, smart and obedient, and let his fate be the most beautiful and kind.
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115228)
Congratulations on the birth
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! I know you will be the most loving, caring and affectionate grandmother in the world! Let your granddaughter grow up to be a real man, a strong, strong and cheerful boy! I wish all the best and brightest to your family!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115233)
Grandma happy birth of
Grandma, happy birth of your grandson! Let your baby grow up calm and healthy! May you have plenty of opportunities for communication! Let your wise advice and instructions be received with gratitude!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115235)
We congratulate the grandmother
We congratulate the grandmother on the most beautiful and such a joyful event - the birth of her grandson! A sea of ​​positive moments is certainly already guaranteed. And we wish you a lot of strength and perseverance - with a little bit they will come in handy. Happy days and good nights, health and cheerfulness. Let your grandson grow up obedient, kind, polite, not get sick, eat well, not be mischievous, and bring you many new reasons for joy and happiness.
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115240)
Congratulations on your grandson
Congratulations on your grandson! Let him, with his nimble character, prolong youth, enthusiasm and a surge of energy, so that life is in full swing for many years, and the smile on his face is constant. Happy newborn!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115242)
Congratulations on the birth
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson. I wish you to be a good granny, I wish you to successfully deal with the whims and whines of your baby. Let your boy grow up to be a real hero, let his life be filled with many holidays, victories and achievements that you will certainly be proud of!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115245)
Happy birth of your
Happy birth of your grandson, caring grandmother! We wish your baby to grow up strong, smart, cheerful and obedient. Congratulations!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115250)
Congratulations to the happiest
Congratulations to the happiest grandmother, in whose heart today, with the birth of her long-awaited granddaughter, even more love, happiness and kindness were born. We wish that your huge, but still so tiny, squeaking happiness gets back on its feet as soon as possible, gets out of the diapers and never ceases to delight you with its restless antics and excellent appetite. Happy birth of your grandson!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115251)
We congratulate you on
We congratulate you on the birth of your grandson with all our hearts! May peace, tranquility, comfort and inexhaustible love always reign in your home! I wish you health and strength to raise another generation!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115252)
Congratulations to the new
Congratulations to the new granny. Let the arrival of a grandson make your life a holiday with a series of bright impressions, joyful moments and great love in your heart. Let the baby grow strong and smart, and let immeasurable success and fabulous happiness await him ahead.
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115255)
I want to congratulate
I want to congratulate the happy grandmother from the bottom of my heart, because she now has a beloved granddaughter. I wish your boy good, heroic health, a happy life, a carefree and cheerful childhood, exciting walks with his grandmother and the boy’s undying interest in everything around him.
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115257)
Grandma congratulations on your
Grandma, congratulations on your newborn grandson! We wish that the grandson brings indescribable tenderness and love, joy and tenderness. The little sun, when born, will illuminate you with love, a curious look and all its childish charm. I wish you happiness, goodness, prosperity and healthy growth!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115269)
So a grandson was
So a grandson was born! I would like to congratulate you on this long-awaited event. Let him grow up to be a successful and wonderful person, be a support and hope!
Congratulations on the birth of a grandson to grandmother (id: 115278)
Granny with her newborn
Granny, with her newborn grandson! Let this little bundle of joy bring a joyful smile to your face. May it give you strength and energy. We need a cheerful and active assistant for the hero. Dear grandmother, we want you to share your wisdom and warmth with your baby!
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