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Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine

16 November 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 5
Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine (id: 392394)
Congratulations on the Day
Congratulations on the Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine. I wish you good news, great ideas, good work, successful activities, funny stories, useful information, exciting activities and great happiness on your life’s journey.
Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine (id: 392395)
Congratulations on the Day
Congratulations on the Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine. I wish you a life as bright, cheerful, exciting, varied, interesting and colorful as the songs on the radio, the stories on television and the sounds of communication lines. Success in your work and brilliant ideas, as well as good luck, peace, joy, inspiration and unquenchable love on your life’s journey.
Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine (id: 392396)
Happy Day of Radio
Happy Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine. On this day, I would like to sincerely wish to keep up with the times and every day to have the opportunity to listen only to good news, funny songs, watch interesting programs and personally participate in exciting projects. Don’t lose touch with Ukrainian broadcasting and always be on the crest of a wave of success.
Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine (id: 392397)
Happy professional holiday to
Happy professional holiday to everyone involved in the field of radio broadcasting, television or communications in Ukraine. Let the signals always go well, radio listeners rejoice at the songs they hear, and let conversations between people bring them only positive emotions. Congratulations and wish you to be happy at work every day.
Day of Radio, Television and Communication Workers of Ukraine (id: 392398)
Dear friends Today on
Dear friends! Today, on the day of the Worker of Radio, Television and Communications of Ukraine, I would like to tune in to the same radio wave with you and congratulate you on the holiday live to the whole country. I wish you inspiration and love, good mood and positivity, as well as everything that you yourself wish for your listeners and TV viewers! You bring joy in every word, give enthusiasm and lightness with every song, and simply keep us informed of all events. Thanks guys for your hard work!