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Congratulations on the day of standardization and metrology workers of Ukraine

10 October 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 4
Congratulations on the day of standardization and metrology workers of Ukraine (id: 383309)
Congratulations on the Day
Congratulations on the Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers in Ukraine. I wish you clarity, attentiveness, orderliness, responsibility, attentiveness and correct actions at work, high success, personal achievements, good health, respect, great love, sincere happiness, good luck and prosperity in life.
Congratulations on the day of standardization and metrology workers of Ukraine (id: 383310)
Congratulations on the Day
Congratulations on the Day of Standardization and Metrology Workers of Ukraine. I wish you bright thoughts, ingenuity and brilliant ideas for the rational use of all resources, I wish you a constant standard of happiness and love in your life. I wish you success in your work and excellent results, limitless opportunities and good luck on your path.
Congratulations on the day of standardization and metrology workers of Ukraine (id: 383311)
How many years have
How many years have passed since the time of Mendeleev, and the employees of the standardization and metrology service are still irreplaceable. On this holiday, the Day of Workers of the Standardization and Metrology Service, I would like to wish that life is surrounded by good people, that there are many people around who love and those whom you want to love. And the main thing is that you can be proud of your work at every moment!
Congratulations on the day of standardization and metrology workers of Ukraine (id: 383312)
Dear workers of standardization
Dear workers of standardization and metrology of Ukraine, thank you for the high level of protection of the life and health of our population, as well as the protection of animals, plants, property and the environment. Let everything work out for you in the best possible way, and let every day become another reason for joy and pride.