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Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

17 September 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 8
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373304)
Congratulations on a good
Congratulations on a good holiday - Mother's Day in Kazakhstan! I wish all mothers to live happily and confidently, so that their children are always respected, appreciated and never forgotten. Let a mother’s heart never hurt, but be filled only with goodness and selfless love!
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373305)
Low bow to all
Low bow to all mothers of Kazakhstan! I would like to wish you unlimited health, patience and strength. Motherhood is happiness and work at the same time. And may the cup called “Happiness” always outweigh!
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373306)
Happy Mother's Day dear
Happy Mother's Day, dear compatriots! In Kazakhstan, mothers are respected and valued, and this is the most correct attitude towards our precious mothers! We wish our beloved mothers joy, inspiration, warmth, care, tenderness and beauty!
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373307)
Happy Mother's Day in
Happy Mother's Day in Kazakhstan! I wish a mother’s heart to beat as long as possible, more joy and happy days, and may every mother raise a worthy and wonderful person!
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373308)
Congratulations on such a
Congratulations on such a kind and bright holiday - Mother's Day in Kazakhstan! I wish that mother’s heart beats for a very long time, her eyes never cry, affection warms and calms, and mother’s love is eternal!
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373309)
Happy Mother's Day in
Happy Mother's Day in Kazakhstan. I wish you a sea of ​​warm smiles and kind compliments. I wish you peace of mind and happy motherhood without sadness, anxiety and resentment. I wish you to be the most wonderful mother for your child, no matter how old he is. I wish you every day to find the strength to remain beautiful, loved, cheerful, talented and inimitable!
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373310)
Happy Mother's Day to
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and grandmothers! Dear women, thank you for the millions of lives you have given to this world. You are the guardians of not only the family home, but also the guardians of our country. May the sky above your heads be only sunny, and may the clouds never frown. Live happily for many, many years. I wish you good health. I also wish that your mother’s heart never hurts, and that your beloved children only make you happy.
Mother's Day in Kazakhstan - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 373311)
May everyone be proud
May everyone be proud of their mothers and children on Mother's Day. All of Kazakhstan believes in you, that you will raise worthy sons and daughters who will glorify the country and lead it to victories. Congratulations!