sample 330x60
sample 330x60

Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 8
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188535)
Congratulations on your first
Congratulations on your first working day and I would like to wish you to loudly and confidently declare yourself, show your talents and abilities, not let a mistake in any matter and achieve significant success from the very first starts. Have a nice and safe working day!
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188530)
Congratulations on your first
Congratulations on your first working day and I would like to wish you an easy start in your career, a good road to great success. Let your work be appreciated at its dignity and high salary, let every day of glorious work give you a pleasant feeling of self-realization and great opportunities to fulfill all your dreams!
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188531)
Congratulations on your first
Congratulations on your first working day and wish you an easy, interesting, productive day without unnecessary hassle and problems, with your first, albeit small, victories. Let him work with pleasure, let everything work out without exception.
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188532)
Congratulations on your first
Congratulations on your first day at work. I wish you to feel at ease, I wish you to immediately get into the groove of successful affairs, I wish that everything will definitely work out for you, I wish you to show your best qualities and strengths from the first day. May your day be successful, may it result in excellent work and a complete feeling of satisfaction in your soul.
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188533)
Get started pay attention
Get started, pay attention... Congratulations on your first day of work and I would like to wish you to express yourself in all your glory. Let there be a friendly team, great potential, a wide range of prospects, inevitable success and high salaries in your field of activity. I wish you good luck and confidence, perseverance and strength!
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188534)
Congratulations on the start
Congratulations on the start of your career, we wish you determination, courage, friendly relations in the team, success and self-confidence.
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188536)
Happy first day of
Happy first day of work! Let your work activity be the standard of excellent performance and incredible achievements. Work with pleasure, gain satisfaction and financial stability, develop and rise to your desired heights!
Congratulations on the last working day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 188537)
Congratulations on your first
Congratulations on your first day at work! We wish you sufficient willpower and spirit, inspiration and faith in yourself in all your endeavors. Make decisions and act creatively, this quality of attitude will definitely lead to an excellent result. Move productively and actively develop, thereby you will constantly see areas of growth.