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Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

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Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179234)
Congratulations on your velvet
Congratulations on your velvet wedding, happy 29th anniversary! With all my heart I wish you velvety happiness in your life and the same tender love, prosperity in your home and constant well-being, joyful holidays and significant events that delight your hearts.
Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179235)
Happy Anniversary Happy velvet
Happy Anniversary! Happy velvet wedding! May your life be as soft, beautiful and luxurious as velvet. So that everything in your life develops stable, smooth and calm.
Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179236)
Congratulations with all my
Congratulations with all my heart on your 29th anniversary, on your velvet wedding. So let a velvet season begin in your life together, I wish you unfading feelings and well-being, true happiness and good luck, warm tenderness and respect, great joy and pleasure.
Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179237)
Congratulations on the anniversary
Congratulations on the anniversary of the velvet of your tenderness and love. In the last year until your third decade, I want to wish you to leave all the bad memories behind, live happily and luxuriously, taking care of each other, as before, walking together along the soft velvety road of good luck and prosperity.
Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179238)
My dears I congratulate
My dears, I congratulate you on your velvet anniversary, on the 29 years you have lived together successfully and happily. I wish you to wrap each other in velvety tenderness, I wish you the velvety color of your unquenchable love! Live in luxury and prosperity.
Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179239)
On this pre-anniversary date
On this pre-anniversary date, the 29th anniversary of marriage, I would like to wish you sincere happiness, cheerful laughter, sympathetic and friendly people on your path. May the Lord allow you to celebrate many more dates and anniversaries, and grant your family and friends health so that they can visit your home more often.
Velvet wedding (29 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 179240)
What holiday should you
What holiday should you be congratulated on today? Happy Velvet Wedding, of course! You have been together for almost thirty years, next year there will be a beautiful anniversary, but you love each other so much and tenderly that we can only be happy for you, let your love remain just as bright.