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What is cute aggression and why do we want to lick to the death of those we love

What is cute aggression and why do we want to lick to the death of those we love logo
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Sweet aggression (Eng. Cute AggRession) is a phenomenon when people feel the desire to pinch, squeeze, or even bite something very cute. Despite the word aggression, we are talking about a completely harmless and even pleasant feeling.
What will be in the article
  1. What is “cute aggression” and why do we want to hug the ones we love to death?
  2. Why do we experience aggression along with tenderness?
    1. 1. Emotional Regulation
    2. 2. Protecting what is dear to us
  3. Is cute aggression dangerous?
  4. Rate the author (1)
  5. Comments (1)

What is “cute aggression” and why do we want to hug the ones we love to death?

Cute aggression is an interesting phenomenon that describes our desire to be physically active towards those who evoke strong positive emotions in us. This can manifest itself in the form of a light pinch, a gentle bite, or even a tight hug, but without the intent to cause harm.

Imagine seeing a tiny puppy or a cute baby and suddenly feeling an irresistible urge to cuddle it. The phrase “I just want to eat you up” also fits this concept perfectly, unless, of course, it is said in a context that evokes fear, like Hannibal Lecter. In this case, there is no place for cute aggression.

This phenomenon was first described in a scientific article in 2015 by a group of researchers from Yale University. Interestingly, some languages ​​have long had words that reflect this state. For example, in Tagalog, one of the main languages ​​in the Philippines, there is a word gigil, which simultaneously means "to clench one's teeth in anger" and "to feel very tenderly." In Indonesian and Malay, there is a word geram, which combines both anger and the desire to pinch or hug tightly.

Why do we experience aggression along with tenderness?

Scientific research continues to study this phenomenon, and so far scientists have offered two main explanations.

1. Emotional Regulation

According to one theory, cute aggression serves as a kind of "parachute" for our emotions. When we encounter something incredibly cute, our positive emotions can become so intense that it begins to cause discomfort. We can feel euphoric, but at the same time this state makes us vulnerable and distracted.

Imagine that you jumped out of an airplane and do not control your fall. At this moment, the "parachute" - cute aggression - is triggered, which helps us calm down a little and restore emotional balance. This is not the only example of such regulation: many people can laugh at inappropriate moments when they are scared or sad.

2. Protecting what is dear to us

When we see something incredibly cute, it makes us want to melt with affection. This is especially true for babies, who, with their disproportionate bodies and big eyes, look especially vulnerable. If everyone around them goes crazy with cuteness, who will take care of the safety of these cute creatures?

Therefore, our body, reacting to oxytocin, which is responsible for affection, adds vasopressin to it - a hormone that causes a surge of cute aggression. This allows us to quickly switch to real aggression mode in case of danger to protect those who are dear to us.

Thus, cute aggression is not just funny behavior, but a complex mechanism that helps us cope with strong emotions and protect those we love.

Is cute aggression dangerous?

When we talk about cute aggression, it is important to understand that the person experiencing this feeling does not intend to cause harm. On the contrary, many study participants who suddenly feel the urge to cuddle or even lightly bite someone are often surprised by their reaction. It may seem strange, but there is no malicious intent.

However, this does not mean that cute aggression is completely harmless. Pinching, hugging tightly, or even lightly biting can cause discomfort. Although the level of pain is usually insignificant, such actions can still leave a mark. However, in most cases, people cope with these outbursts of cute aggression, and the object of their affection remains safe and sound.

It is important to remember that cute aggression is more of an expression of emotion than a threat. It can be funny and even touching if interpreted correctly. The main thing is to be aware of your feelings and control them, so as not to inconvenience those who cause such a reaction in us.

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- Feb 17, 2025 13:31:11
Here are some of the main theories that explain why cute aggression occurs:

1. Neural compensation and emotion regulation:

• Positive emotion overload: Cute aggression most likely occurs when we feel overwhelmed by positive emotions from something very cute. Our brain, in an attempt to cope with this overload, turns on regulation mechanisms that suppress excessive emotionality.
• Optimization of emotional experience: Cute aggression may be a way to optimize our emotional experience. Instead of simply feeling too much happiness from something cute, the brain tries to ground us by adding a little aggression to make the emotions more manageable and enjoyable.
• Interaction of reward and motivation systems: Cute aggression is thought to be related to the interaction between the reward system (which is activated when we see something cute) and the motivation system (which is responsible for our actions). Cute aggression may be a way to release steam from a motivational system that is overloaded with the desire to care for and protect a cute creature.

2. Evolutionary Roots:

• Response to Babies: Cuteness is often associated with babies (human and animal). Babies evoke in us an instinctive desire to care for and protect them. Cute aggression may have evolved as a way to reduce the likelihood of over-protection, which could be harmful or counterproductive. For example, over-protection could prevent a baby from developing independently.
• Stress Reduction: In stressful situations, caring for helpless creatures can reduce stress. Cute aggression may be a way to redirect stress energy into a more controlled and safe outlet.

3. Link to Grooming Behavior:

• Similarity to Grooming: Some researchers believe that cute aggression may be related to behaviors associated with caring for infants. For example, gently biting or pinching an infant during play may be a form of affection and care. Cute aggression may be a residual manifestation of this behavior.

4. Factors that influence cute aggression:

• Stress Level: People who experience high levels of stress are more likely to experience cute aggression.
• Fatigue: Fatigue may also increase the likelihood of cute aggression.
• Empathy: People with higher levels of empathy may be more prone to cute aggression.
• Age: Research shows that cute aggression is more common in younger people.

Key Points:

• Cute aggression is a normal phenomenon that many people experience.
• It is not associated with actual aggression or a desire to cause harm.
• It is most likely the brain's way of regulating emotions and coping with an excess of positivity.
• Cute aggression may have evolutionary roots related to caring for infants.

Overall, cute aggression is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is not yet fully understood. However, existing theories give us an idea of ​​why we experience this strange and often funny feeling.
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