The father is a symbol of well-being and reliability. It is not for nothing that in the old days the father was personified with the supreme deity. So let us, on your birthday, our dear dad, drink to the fact that your divine health will never fail you. So that for many years to come, we can rely on your protection and help!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438596)
The most important and
The most important and best man in my life is daddy. No one can replace him. I am sure that someone like you will never be found again. On your birthday, I want to wish you long life, great health, and more reasons to be happy. You are always an example for me, you are my idol. With your help, I achieved success at school, you always understood me. Of course, you can wish for anything, but most importantly, never be discouraged. Let the years fly by, but you will not grow old at heart. I love you. For dad!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438597)
I want to raise
I want to raise this glass to the best father in the world! No words can convey my feelings for you. You are a role model. You are strong, smart, brave, kind, honest. Today I have another reason to say that I am proud of you. I am so lucky to have such a father in my life. I am crazy in love with you. I'm sorry I don't talk about this every day. But you already know everything about yourself. Thank you, dad, for always supporting me in word and deed. For you!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438598)
Daddy happy birthday and
Daddy, happy birthday and I sincerely wish you good health, family well-being and good luck in your business. For me, you are the standard of a real man and an exemplary family man. Thank you for having me!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438599)
Dear daddy with all
Dear daddy, with all my heart I wish you with soul and body not to grow old! Remain as young, cheerful and energetic for many years to come. I love you very much and wish you all the best!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438600)
Daddy happy birthday the
Daddy, happy birthday, the most important thing is to be healthy, and you have everything else, and if not, you will definitely have it.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438601)
Dad's birthday is not
Dad's birthday is not just a holiday for one person, but also for the whole family. I want to raise a glass to my king, to the best father in the world and a wonderful friend who will never leave in trouble! For you, daddy! Be happy.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438602)
On your birthday I
On your birthday, I want to wish you the best health, energy, enthusiasm and good luck. May your life path always be illuminated with light, warmth and goodness. Be happy, dear daddy!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438603)
I want to drink
I want to drink to the birthday of the person dearest to me - to my father! My support, my joy and my strength. Be happy, strong and healthy, my dear! We'll drink to you too.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438604)
Dad beloved let your
Dad, beloved, let your life have one obligatory quality - whatever you wish for, whatever you think about, whatever you want, it all comes true without a doubt, is decisively carried out and appears instantly! Here's to the best father! Happy birthday!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438605)
Dad for you He
Dad, for you! He who protects and protects his family from troubles, who gets food, curling irons, and hair dryers, who never loses heart. We, your flowers, love, honor and wish to remain so. Worldly, reasonable, hard-working and with a big heart. I wish you unprecedented happiness, remarkable health and well-deserved rest!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438606)
Daddy you are the
Daddy, you are the very best, sympathetic, understanding, sincere and kind. Dad is definitely not mom, with dad anything is possible. Love you.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438607)
We may not have
We may not have always been the best kids in the world, but that didn't stop you from being the best father in the world. Happy birthday dad!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438608)
I know I don't
I know I don't say this often, but I really appreciate all the sacrifices and hard work you put into raising me. Happy birthday dad, I love you.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438609)
Dad happy birthday to
Dad, happy birthday to you! With all my heart I wish you good health, well-being in your family and success in your work. Remain the same kind, decent and sincere. Thank you for having such a wonderful father!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438610)
Dear daddy I congratulate
Dear daddy, I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart! I really want your every day to be filled with joy and positivity. Let all sorrows and troubles pass you by. For you, my dear!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438611)
I dedicate this toast
I dedicate this toast to the one who helped me become a man - my father. Daddy, thank you for all the things you did for me. Good health to you, my dear “father.”
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438612)
The most beloved man
The most beloved man in my life, I wish you a happy birthday. I raise a glass to prosperity in all respects! Love you. To the dregs!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438613)
May your life dad
May your life, dad, be long and happy. I wish you good health, warmth and joy! You are the best father in the world. Let's raise a glass to our beloved father.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438614)
Dear dad for me
Dear dad, for me you are the best! With all my heart I wish you good health, family well-being and prosperity. May all your plans come true. Good luck to you in your work and new prospects.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438615)
My dear daddy thank
My dear daddy, thank you for the best childhood, for always supporting me and loving me. And I want to drink to you, to your good health, and so that you remain with me as you are now - kind, beautiful and smart.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438616)
Daddy happy birthday Be
Daddy, happy birthday. Be healthy, the most important thing.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438617)
Daddy happy birthday to
Daddy, happy birthday to you! I wish you the best health for many years to come, vigor and inspiration. You are the best for me. For you!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438618)
Happy birthday beloved dad
Happy birthday, beloved dad! I wish you the best health, vigor and much strength. Thank you for having me. You are the best!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438619)
Dear daddy there is
Dear daddy, there is no better dad in the world. Live long and happily, because while you are alive, we are your little children.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438620)
Dad my dear I
Dad, my dear. I raise my glass to you and your long-awaited holiday. Be healthy, happy and young at heart! Happy birthday, father! Let's drink to the birthday boy.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438621)
Dear dad happy birthday
Dear dad, happy birthday. No matter how old I get, I always feel like a little child next to you, who can cry to dad at any moment and find protection. You will always help and support. We are all behind you, like behind a stone wall, you are our support. Be healthy.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438622)
Daddy today is your
Daddy, today is your birthday. You know, I want to wish you only one thing - to live a long, long time and very happily. I don’t need more. Here's to your good health!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438623)
Today is your dad's
Today is your dad's birthday. I will raise a glass of wine to your endless love and patience. Let your work bring you joy, let your health never fail you, and let me promise to always love you.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438624)
It’s not easy to
It’s not easy to congratulate dad, you can’t say it too tenderly - after all, a man, and even look at it, he’ll be moved. Who needs this? Okay, we were joking, now we’re serious. Dad, we congratulate you on your day, we wish you good health, new ideas, the implementation of those already conceived, fewer obstacles on the way, remain the very wall behind which it’s like behind a stone, and, if anything happens, always count on us. For you!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438625)
Today is the holiday
Today is the holiday of the dearest person - my father. And with all my heart I wish you to remain as strong, brave, kind and the best father in the world! May happiness never leave you alone! For your beloved man, for your father!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438626)
How much did we
How much did we have? There were ups and downs. Sometimes it seemed like the whole world was against us. But you, my dear daddy, always supported and loved. May this birthday bring you a lot of joy and new experiences. Be healthy and cheerful! For you!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438627)
Dear daddy I declare
Dear daddy, I declare with all my heart that you are the best dad in the world. I wish you never to be discouraged, never to be afraid of difficulties, never to take your mother’s whims to heart. You are my strongest and most courageous! For your birthday!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438628)
Today is our family's
Today is our family's holiday! Daddy it's your birthday. I take a glass of fizzy drink in my hands and wish you good health, success at work, reliable and loyal friends. Let your plans come true as quickly as possible and without much effort.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438629)
Dear daddy your daughter
Dear daddy, your daughter has become quite an adult, and her mother has gray hair. But our love for you does not grow old and does not die. Even though your birthday has multiplied the years, it has kept your care, your warmth and will keep it for a long time. Be happy, daddy!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438630)
They say that mom
They say that mom is a teacher and organizer, and dad is a reliable friend, cheerful, but not serious. Daddy, you know how to combine many roles; for me, there is no more authoritative person. On your birthday, I drink to your talents and successes. Long life to you, dear.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438631)
My dear daddy I
My dear daddy, I would so like to wish you eternal youth, eternal health and vigor. Dad, please everyone with your smile and ringing laughter. Let everything get better in life. Happy birthday. For you!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438632)
Dear daddy I wish
Dear daddy, I wish that you always remain young in both soul and body, despite the gray streaks in your hair. Never get sick, never get old. Don’t count the days you’ve lived and enjoy every sunrise. I love you. Happy birthday!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438633)
Daddy dear beloved happy
Daddy, dear, beloved, happy birthday. I am so happy to have you by my side. The one I call my dad. Dad is the very first man and friend. Only you know how to support, how to help, what is the right thing to do. Live forever!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438634)
Since childhood my dad
Since childhood, my dad has set me an example of courage, responsibility and justice. He is a true hero, capable of defeating any difficulty in his path. Dear dad, I wish you good health, great strength and prosperity. And let there be no obstacles on your path, but only good, bright and joyful things remain.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438635)
The very first man
The very first man in every girl’s life and the very first friend in every man’s life is dad. For you, hero!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438636)
As one song says:
As one song says: “Dad can do anything.” This is just about our birthday boy. Dad has golden hands and a platinum heart. On your birthday, I want to drink to your health and wish you long and joyful years with us.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438637)
I wish my dad
I wish my dad long life and success and happiness. Live without knowing bad weather. I'll try to better justify my hopes. Well, you, my daddy, be the same as before. For you, daddy!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438638)
I congratulate you on
I congratulate you on your holiday - your birthday. I wish you to remain as cheerful and optimistic. And besides this, a car of health and even more strength to realize everything you want! Happy birthday!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438639)
Let's drink to my
Let's drink to my daddy. If an outsider knew the age of the birthday boy, he would not be able to identify him among those present. Stay as young and energetic, daddy! For you.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438640)
Dad for your wonderful
Dad, for your wonderful years, for your experience, for your wisdom, for your happiness! I raise a glass to your good health and success to be your true friend. Happy birthday to you, you are lucky to be your child!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438641)
I want to follow
I want to follow an example from my dad, and it doesn’t matter whether he’s raising a son or a daughter. Dad is synonymous with the words stability, reliability, fairness and understanding. Thank you for your masculine care and love that I feel all the time. In those moments when you are not around, I mentally ask: would dad have done the same? You are my best role model.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438642)
Dad you taught me a
Dad, you taught me a lot. But I think the most important thing is that you taught me to never run away from problems, but to solve them. This is a really valuable lesson! On your holiday, I want to wish you peace of mind, no matter what happens around you. Don’t let various ups and downs bother you over trifles! Always remain the same sweet, kind person.
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438643)
I want to raise
I want to raise this glass to our dad. May he always be able to discern the joy that surrounds him and may a piece of it always live inside him. After all, in order to consider happiness, you first need to look into yourself! Live and always be joyful and happy!
Toasts for dad's birthday (id: 438644)
Dad you fully correspond
Dad, you fully correspond to the concept of a “real man.” Of course, because you can not only nail a shelf, but also build a house. Thank you for being a great support and support for mom. Let nothing provoke the appearance of gray hair on your head. Be forever young, at least in your soul!
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Toasts for dad's birthday, which will be remembered