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Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy

Total: 18
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123501)
We invite you to
We invite you to celebrate our first birthday! We will be glad to see you in the company of your closest friends. We hope it will be interesting and tasty! And you will get a lot of good photos!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123508)
Our child will soon
Our child will soon be one year old. We invite you to a celebration in honor of the first significant date in the life of our child. Let this day become a real holiday of childhood and laughter, joy and happiness, fun and pleasant surprises not only for the birthday boy, not only for us, but also for you. We are waiting for you at the holiday so that together we can believe in miracles again.
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123510)
We invite you to
We invite you to our long-awaited celebration in honor of our child’s first big day. The baby is almost a year old. And we want to arrange a real holiday of carefree childhood, we want to make real magic, as if from a good fairy tale. And you are a welcome guest at this holiday. We are waiting for you and hope that together with the little birthday boy (little birthday girl) you will be transported to the world of children's fantasies and loud laughter!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123498)
Soon it will be
Soon it will be exactly one year since I filled the hearts of my parents with joy and they surrounded me with care, smiles and affection. I am growing day by day in my beloved family, and on my first birthday I am waiting for you to visit.
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123505)
Our dear friends family
Our dear friends, family and, of course, godmothers, with respect and love, we would like to invite you to celebrate the first year of our baby. We hope you will honor us with your presence, and in return we will surprise you with an interesting program, unique entertainment and delicious treats.
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123497)
We invite you to
We invite you to celebrate with us the first anniversary of your baby's birth. We will be glad to see you at our holiday.
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123514)
Dear friend I want
Dear friend! I want to invite you to a fun birthday party! Bring your delight, mood and smile with you! Spend this impressive day with us, we are looking forward to seeing you! I promise that you will remember this celebration for a long time!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123494)
I invite you to
I invite you to the first birthday of our little miracle! Very soon our sun will turn one year old, so we will happily share this holiday with you! Be sure to come with a radiant smile, a wonderful mood and a happy sparkle in your eyes!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123495)
Our baby is turning
Our baby is turning 1 year old! We are pleased to invite you to the celebration of this wonderful event!
A piece of magnificent cake and a cup of hot tea will be waiting for you on the festive table! Waiting for you!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123492)
We invite you _____________to
We invite you _____________to the celebration of joy of our family. Together we will celebrate our baby’s first birthday and we want you to make the atmosphere even more pleasant with your presence. Come ______________________, we will be very glad to see you!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123499)
We are having a
We are having a grand holiday soon, our baby will be a year old! We are happy to invite you to a celebration in honor of our child’s birthday. It’s so great to be a cheerful and carefree child, in whose hands is a lucky ticket, who has a long journey ahead of him to the land of interesting games and fun, to the cities of love, magic and surprise. Become a part of the bright and kind holiday of real miracles and loud laughter, give our baby your love and smile. We are waiting for you.
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123504)
Before you know it
Before you know it, we’re already one year old today! We are waiting for you to visit us to show off our first tooth. Be sure to come in a good mood, and we will give you a lot of bright emotions, joy and treat you to a delicious cake.
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123507)
We invite you to
We invite you to a celebration of miracles and magic, children's dreams and pranks. Our baby is turning one year old. And we will be sincerely glad to share this celebration with you. We are waiting for you at the holiday with a bright balloon and a kind smile on your happy face!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 123509)
Our dear and welcome
Our dear and welcome guest, we cordially invite you to celebrate the first year of our mischievous baby’s life and we hope you will surprise us with your presence!
Birthday invitation for 1 year old girl/boy (id: 471385)
Hello [child's name] We will
Hello [child's name],

We will soon celebrate our first birthday! What an important and special moment in our lives! We want to invite you and your parents to our first celebration.

Party details:

- Date: [date]
- Time: [time]
- Place: [address]
- Dress code: [if there is a special dress code]

The party will be full of fun, games and surprises! We arrange many entertaining activities so that you and all invited guests can have a good time. Don't forget to bring your smile and good mood!

We are looking forward,to celebrate this special day with you. The celebration will be a memorable and fun event, and we will do our best to make you feel loved and have lots of joy around you.

Please let Mom or Dad know if you will be attending so we can properly plan and prepare for the party.

We look forward to your arrival!

Best wishes,

[Your name]
Total: 18 Showing: 1 .. 15