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Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS

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Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87516)
Happy birthday to still
Happy birthday to still a student, but still a great hope for our future. I wish to become an excellent doctor, to faithfully and bravely save the lives and health of patients, to always find the right answers to questions that arise, to confidently combine professionalism at work and happiness in life.
Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87510)
Happy birthday to medical
Happy birthday to medical student! May the path you choose turn out to be correct, may your studies be easy, and may your profession bring not only benefits, but also pleasure!
Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87506)
Happy Birthday And even
Happy Birthday. And even though you are still a student, you are still already a doctor. You have chosen an important profession and today I want to wish you great success and achievements in your activities. I wish to explore all the depths of medicine and become famous as the best doctor. Strong strength, confidence and, of course, health.
Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87508)
You may still be
You may still be a student, but I will still boldly call you a doctor. Happy birthday, doctor! I wish you to become a real professional in your field, a real warrior in the fight against diseases and illnesses, a real hero in the eyes of your patients, a real master of success and victories. Good luck in your studies, excellent knowledge of theory and good practice, a well-paid job, and, of course, happiness in your personal life.
Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87509)
Congratulations to our talented
Congratulations to our talented student, the future luminary of medicine, the savior of all humanity from the most terrible diseases. We wish you to regularly attend lectures and learn all the secrets and tricks of this very important and necessary profession. Show all your consciousness, don’t philander and don’t be lazy, because someone’s life, someone’s trembling heart and destiny will always be in your hands. We wish that your health never lets you down, shakes or fails. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87511)
Happy birthday doctor And
Happy birthday, doctor. And even though you’re still a student, you already know everything. I wish to be as brave, decisive, dexterous, successful, qualified specialist as the glorious Dr. House from the fascinating series, only a little kinder. Success in practice and high results, career growth, good luck and personal well-being.
Happy birthday greetings to a medical student (future doctor) - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 87518)
Happy birthday to the
Happy birthday to the future specialist of our medicine, and for now to the brave student! I wish that you never regret your chosen path, that you will be the best and most successful in your business, that your life will perfectly combine happiness and luck, love and inspiration, great victories and prosperity.