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sample 330x60
Total: 7
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121499)
Brother happy birthday to
Brother, happy birthday to your princess. I wish you to always remain a knight in her eyes, to protect, protect, adore and pamper. And may your daughter grow up to be your joy and grow up to be a real lady!
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121497)
My dear brother I
My dear brother, I congratulate you on your daughter’s birthday. I wish you to always be brave, caring, cheerful, and generally the most wonderful dad for your princess. I wish that my niece never gets into trouble and can always show her best side, because she has no other sides. Happiness and joy to your girl, peace and prosperity to your family! And may the birthday girl’s main wishes come true as soon as possible.
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121510)
Brother congratulations to your
Brother, congratulations to your princess on your holiday! Let this day become the brightest event. I wish you to always remain a fortress and protector for her, whom she will be proud of and completely trust.
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121500)
Brother today is a
Brother, today is a holiday in your family - your daughter’s birthday! True happiness lives in days like these! Enjoy it. Let your daughter be healthy and happy, thereby making you happier!
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121498)
Brother I congratulate you
Brother, I congratulate you on your daughter’s birthday! I wish your girl to be the happiest and most loved. Let there be only goodness, loyalty and optimism in her life. And to you, brother, unshakable health to participate in your child’s life!
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121501)
I hasten to congratulate
I hasten to congratulate your daughter, brother! May she always see you as a protector and a person who will not allow you to offend or cause pain, and may you always be proud of her, never stop supporting her and talking about how beautiful she is.
Congratulate brother on his daughter's birthday (id: 121505)
Brother on this day
Brother, on this day your princess was born, who made this world much more colorful, kinder, better, and you are the happiest and most caring father, a man who will always be an example for her. May she be the happiest!