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Congratulations according to the zodiac sign Ox (id: 130813)
You are lucky to
You are lucky to be born in the year of the ox, so this large and confident animal will help you all your life, protect you and ward off troubles. May luck accompany you in everything, carrying you further and further into victories and great achievements.
Congratulations according to the zodiac sign Ox (id: 130814)
Congratulations congratulations Let life
Congratulations, congratulations. Let life be carefree and easy. You are a bull according to the eastern horoscope, which means your stubbornness and patience will always help you achieve success. And so be it! Let fate not butt heads with you. Let luck smile. May every day open before you a vast field of happiness and goodness!
Congratulations according to the zodiac sign Ox (id: 130815)
A wonderful person and
A wonderful person and, by the way, a bull according to the eastern horoscope, please accept congratulations. A sensible and practical person, a leader in life, a charismatic personality and a loyal friend, I wish to always remain an example of all these qualities. Well, to everything I’ll add wishes for good health, like a bull’s, and true happiness.
Congratulations according to the zodiac sign Ox (id: 130816)
You are by nature
You are by nature a leader who always lives up to your word. You don’t like fuss and sometimes it even takes you out of your comfort zone, leading to disappointments and doubts. Your patron is the bull, which determines practicality, perseverance and stubbornness. And today, I want to wish you not only peace of mind, but also harmony, which is sometimes lacking. I wish you happiness, enthusiasm, brightness and new victories. Do not change yourself under any circumstances, since it is your character that will lead you to the discovery of new, impressive facets.
Congratulations according to the zodiac sign Ox (id: 130817)
Happy holiday to those
Happy holiday to those born in the year of the ox! I wish you to always be firmly confident in your abilities, achieve your goals no matter what, and also live in harmony, prosperity and love!

Congratulations according to the zodiac sign Ox, which will be remembered