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Congratulations to Taurus (id: 130451)
Happy holiday to Taurus
Happy holiday to Taurus! I wish you never to lose faith in the good, to be a happy, sincere and open person! All the best wishes!
Congratulations to Taurus (id: 130452)
Congratulations to the noble
Congratulations to the noble Taurus. I would like to wish you to always correspond to the qualities of your horoscope symbol: to be proud in life, a skillful and decisive person, constant in your goals and aspirations. May your health be strong, like that of Taurus, may your mood always be wonderful, may harmony reign in your soul, may a happy melody of love sound in your personal life.
Congratulations to Taurus (id: 130453)
Regularity taciturnity calmness stubbornness
Regularity, taciturnity, calmness, stubbornness - these are the main traits of your character, and this is not surprising, because Taurus protects you. You are an extremely interesting, temperamental and extraordinary person. It is difficult to imagine you without any of these qualities, and therefore I wish you to preserve them. Also, I want to wish you as many bright colors, new impressions, emotions, mental comfort and optimism as possible. Live to the fullest, and don’t get buried in the gray monotony of everyday life. Feel it, open your soul and you will be happy!
Congratulations to Taurus (id: 130454)
Taurus will always be
Taurus will always be your faithful protector, ally and comrade, with whom you will not be afraid of adversity and difficulties. May every step you take end in success. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Taurus (id: 130455)
Happy birthday Taurus I
Happy birthday, Taurus. I wish you stubbornness, tolerance and courage in business. I wish you understanding, trust and tenderness in your relationships with dear people. I wish you happiness, prosperity and joy for every occasion in life!

Congratulations to Taurus, which will be remembered