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Happy birthday greetings to a 12 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 3
Happy birthday greetings to a 12 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 74442)
Dear grandson congratulations on
Dear grandson, congratulations on your 12th birthday. I wish you 12 hours of every day to be happy and achieve great success, I wish you 12 hours of every night to dream about long journeys and brave deeds. And may your dreams become reality over time, and may your life be filled with good luck and good mood.
Happy birthday greetings to a 12 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 74436)
Happy birthday grandson I
Happy birthday, grandson. I wish you to be a real man at the age of 12, I wish you to dream of brave deeds and boldly accomplish them! Grandson, I wish you easy and fun studies, rapid development in all your hobbies. May your whole family support you and be proud of you, may you have many good friends in your life. Be healthy and talented, happy and good-looking!
Happy birthday greetings to a 12 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 74439)
My dear grandson I
My dear grandson, I congratulate you on your 12th birthday. I wish, like Hercules, to accomplish 12, and maybe even more, feats in my life, I wish to always be cheerful, brave, active and determined to succeed. Grandson, be happy all 12 months of the year, may everything work out for you at your 12th birthday.