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Happy birthday greetings to a 17 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 2
Happy birthday greetings to a 17 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 75615)
Grandson happy 17th birthday
Grandson, happy 17th birthday! I wish you to achieve your goals easily throughout your life, as if there were no difficulties. Let the courage in you grow with every minute, so that you always remain a person with a capital letter, about whom kind words are spoken.
Happy birthday greetings to a 17 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 457792)
My dear grandson you
My dear grandson, you are turning seventeen today! You are standing on the threshold of adulthood, and I want the world to be kind and friendly to you, so that along the way you meet only sincere people and faithful like-minded people. I will always support you and help you with advice!