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Happy birthday greetings to godson 2 years old

Total: 4
Happy birthday greetings to godson 2 years old (id: 69493)
Happy birthday dear godson
Happy birthday, dear godson. You stand firmly on your own two feet, because you are already 2 years old. And I wish you to grow up to be a real gentleman, a cheerful and brave man. I wish there were fewer broken knees and disappointments in life. I wish that every day gives you strong hugs from your family, happy smiles, exciting games and a good masculine mood!
Happy birthday greetings to godson 2 years old (id: 69495)
Happy birthday my little
Happy birthday, my little godson! I wish you to grow up to be the most mischievous, healthy, happy and wonderful child. Let your childhood be joyful, bright, active and pleasantly memorable!
Happy birthday greetings to godson 2 years old (id: 69499)
Godson you are already
Godson, you are already 2 whole years old! You are growing so fast, becoming stronger, stronger, more confident, looking at and exploring this world. May your life be amazing, happy and bring you only happiness and joy.
Happy birthday greetings to godson 2 years old (id: 69501)
My favorite tiny baby
My favorite tiny baby godson, happy second birthday to you! I wish to know this world only from the best side, to actively develop and always be mischievous and active!