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Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old niece from an aunt/uncle

Total: 3
Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old niece from an aunt/uncle (id: 70154)
Happy birthday niece Today
Happy birthday, niece. Today you are 3 years old, you are already big and independent, your mother’s helper, your father’s joy, our star, our flower. I would like to wish that 3 of your cherished wishes come true every day, that you always have a smile on your face and a delicious candy in your pocket.
Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old niece from an aunt/uncle (id: 70151)
Happy birthday niece I
Happy birthday, niece! I wish you to grow up to be the same beauty, a real smart girl, a daisy girl - tender and cheerful, cheerful and radiant. Let your 3-year-old life be amazing, fabulous and magical. I wish you, my girl, great happiness and bright, bright sunshine in your life.
Happy birthday greetings to a 3 year old niece from an aunt/uncle (id: 70155)
Nephew I wish you
Nephew, I wish you a happy birthday! Happy holiday, you are already 3 years old, you have become more confident and brave, you are growing into a very beautiful girl, kind, sympathetic, sincere, sweet and smart. Sunny, may every path in your life lead you to success and happiness, may your Guardian Angel never leave you, may everything you dream of at 3 years old always come true. Good fairy tales in your life, nephew, and a mischievous mood.