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Congratulations on your belated birthday to your brother

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Congratulations on your belated birthday to your brother (id: 116511)
A little belatedly I
A little belatedly, I wish you a happy birthday, brother. May all your plans come true, live happily in spite of adversity and winds, may fate and fortune turn in the opposite direction. Let your ship of life confidently cut through the waves of life, leave troubles behind. Good health to you.
Congratulations on your belated birthday to your brother (id: 116512)
Brother forgive me for
Brother, forgive me for being late, happy birthday! May happiness, unlike me, never be late for you, may you smile sincerely, brightly and always from the heart. Remain a wonderful person that people are proud of.
Congratulations on your belated birthday to your brother (id: 116513)
Happy belated birthday brother
Happy belated birthday, brother! I wish you not to look back and live only with big and large plans for the future. Be successful in everything you touch!
Congratulations on your belated birthday to your brother (id: 116514)
Brother although I’m late
Brother, although I’m late, I want to congratulate you with all my heart. May nothing in your life ever be late again, so that all your joys and successes will be on time. Remain the same wonderful person that I am proud of. Happy birthday!
Congratulations on your belated birthday to your brother (id: 116521)
Brother it may be
Brother, it may be a little late, but I want to congratulate you! May, unlike me, happiness and smiles, joys and endless great successes never be late in your life. I wish that only difficulties and obstacles do not linger in your destiny.