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Merry Christmas greetings to Christ's partners - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 3
Merry Christmas greetings to Christ's partners - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 287881)
Merry Christmas dear partners
Merry Christmas, dear partners. I wish you to achieve all your goals, I wish you to always maintain inner confidence and peace of mind. May your loved ones be with you this Christmas, may there be a lot of good luck and wonderful news ahead of you. I wish you all health, prosperity, faith and good hopes.
Merry Christmas greetings to Christ's partners - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 287882)
Merry Christmas my dear
Merry Christmas, my dear partners. I wish you absolute happiness and prosperity, stable well-being, inexhaustible strength and promising ideas. I wish you sincere conversations with your loved ones at the holiday table, I wish you unlimited opportunities for successful activities.
Merry Christmas greetings to Christ's partners - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 287892)
Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas to you, my dear partners. I wish you to move forward with big and confident steps, without losing your faith and hope, I wish you great victories and great benefits in your work, and great happiness and true love in life.

Merry Christmas greetings to Christ's partners - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered