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Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the Labor teacher

Total: 3
Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the Labor teacher (id: 380224)
Labor ennobles a person
Labor ennobles a person, so a teacher of labor is a very important profession, very necessary. Happy Teacher's Day, our dear teacher. We wish you health and patience for all your lessons, fun activities and your awakening of talent in every student. Be happy, optimistic and always kind at heart!
Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the Labor teacher (id: 380235)
Congratulations to the magnificent
Congratulations to the magnificent teacher of Labor on Teacher’s Day. I sincerely wish you a good mood and excellent health, activity without interference and obstacles, well-being and respect at work, personal achievements in life and great luck, bright hope and true happiness.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the Labor teacher (id: 380242)
Happy Teacher's Day to
Happy Teacher's Day to the most skillful and wonderful teacher of Labor. We wish you respect and kindness, prosperity in your activities and success, great happiness in life and good luck, excellent mood and good health, capable students and excellent achievements in your profession and life.