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Congratulations to the grandson on September 1 from his grandparents

Total: 2
Congratulations to the grandson on September 1 from his grandparents (id: 369114)
Our dear grandson we
Our dear grandson, we congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish you a successful academic year and fun throughout the coming days. Let the lessons be interesting, let new knowledge easily fit into your head, let you always have enough time for knowledge, hobbies and games.
Congratulations to the grandson on September 1 from his grandparents (id: 369119)
Happy Knowledge Day granddaughters
Happy Knowledge Day, granddaughters. We wish you great courageous strength, so that it is enough to achieve all your goals, to embody your ideas, to conquer the cherished heights of success. Good luck to you, grandson, good health, support from your entire family and friends, new hobbies and significant achievements that you, first of all, will be proud of.

Congratulations to the grandson on September 1 from his grandparents, which will be remembered