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Congratulations on graduating from primary school from parents

Total: 3
Congratulations on graduating from primary school from parents (id: 203650)
Primary school is behind
Primary school is behind us, we are proud of you and wish you even greater success in your studies on your future journey. We will always be by your side, both in moments of difficulty and when you are on top of the world. Congratulations!
Congratulations on graduating from primary school from parents (id: 203651)
Our sunshine congratulations on
Our sunshine, congratulations on your graduation from primary school. You have successfully overcome this milestone and we are very proud of you. We wish you not to lose your interest and curiosity, gain new strength to meet new teachers and subjects, and in the meantime, fully enjoy this wonderful and fun summer, which has a lot of joyful and exciting things in store for you.
Congratulations on graduating from primary school from parents (id: 203652)
Our dear children today
Our dear children, today you are saying goodbye to primary school, where you learned not only to learn new things, but also to make friends, work in the same team, be responsible and inquisitive. We wish you to confidently walk along the ladder of school knowledge, receive excellent and good grades, not get sick, win in difficult situations, be creative, active and cheerful.