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Feng Shui desktop or how to improve work efficiency

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According to Feng Shui, you can’t sit with your back to the window, and sofas and chairs in the room should be made of genuine leather, since such material is endowed with “yang” energy, which helps a lot in mental activity. Always keep your desk clean and tidy, and your chair should have a back and armrests.
What will be in the article
  1. Video: what is the best position to place a desk in Feng Shui?
  2. Feng Shui working location
  3. Video: How To Feng Shui Your Workspace For More Success & Connections | Marie Diamond
  4. Correction of incorrect desktop layout
  5. Video: Feng Shui your Office - What NOT To Do
  6. Shape, dimensions, design features of the desktop
  7. Video: 3 Simple Ways to Feng Shui Your Office
  8. Workspace color scheme
  9. What to put on the desktop in the office?
  10. Video: Office feng shui layout rules and lucky decor ideas
  11. Rate the author (3)
  12. Comments (4)

The ancient art of Feng Shui helps to enhance creativity, increase wealth, and achieve career growth. This treasure trove of knowledge has a lot of useful tips on this topic: where to put the desktop, what items to place on it, in what order, etc.

Video: what is the best position to place a desk in Feng Shui?

Feng Shui working location

Wrong, from the point of view of the Chinese philosophical system, the location of the desktop leads to the loss of personal precious energy. An unsuccessfully sitting employee is in anxiety, may become a victim of deception, be drawn into unnecessary intrigue. Such a state not only does not encourage thoughts, how to attract good luck and money, but leads to disability.

How to properly position your desk in the office to focus on achieving your goals? Taoist practice directly correlates the distance from the table to the back wall and the professional perspectives of the owner.

Correct Desktop Position
Correct Desktop Location

Basic placement principles:

  • you can not sit with your back to the door and opposite it. The back wall is a great option. A person does not need to control the situation from behind, he is calm, relaxed, easily focuses on the work process;
  • it is bad if there is a window opening behind the person sitting;
  • The symbols of the Water Element should be placed in front of the table, not behind the back. It can be an aquarium, an office fountain, a picture with a water landscape;
  • free space in front of the table is a symbol of freedom and perspectives;
  • There should be no bulky structures above your head (air conditioner, bookshelf, ceiling beam) that “delay” free flow of thoughts.

The ideal place is diagonally to the door, from where you can see all the people entering and leaving. The location on the north, northwest, northeast side is beneficial: these cardinal points are responsible for memory, perseverance, attention.

Businessmen, company owners, keen on Chinese philosophy, invite experts to arrange tables in the office according to Feng Shui. But with a large staff, someone will be at a disadvantage, there is not always a choice. It's not worth getting upset. There are tricks to improve the situation, and you can start implementing Chinese philosophy by studying the question, how to choose a feng shui wallet. In this case, the boss is not a pointer.

Ideal placement is diagonally from the door
The ideal placement is diagonally away from the door

Video: How To Feng Shui Your Workspace For More Success & Connections | Marie Diamond

Correction of incorrect desktop layout

If possible, move the table closer to the left wall, since the left, “heart” side of the body. Feng Shui also advises:

  • get high-backed chairs from superiors if there is no wall behind;
  • hang an inspiring, relaxing picture on the wall in front of you;
  • put a mirror in front of you, there is no other option than to sit with your back to the door. So the person will see the incoming. You can also hang a jacket or scarf on the back of the chair.

Determining how to arrange a Feng Shui office at home, regardless of corporate conditions, you can follow the principles of Chinese philosophy as accurately as possible. It is recommended to pay special attention to the shape of the desktop.

Video: Feng Shui your Office - What NOT To Do

Shape, dimensions, design features of the desktop

A writing or computer desk should be stable and large enough to reflect the ambition of the owner. Recommended dimensions (L,W,H) - 145*85*80. You can deviate from these numbers by 5-7 cm.

Other desired options:

  • closed front to hide the owner's legs from prying eyes;
  • rectangular shape, corners can be rounded, but without add-ons that block support points (pedestals, shelves);
  • oval shape if the business activity is related to the active exchange of information (call center, logistics).

Feng Shui does not recommend the use of round and square tables in offices, as this configuration reduces the free space on the sides.

A perfect order should reign on the desktop. Then nothing will interfere with the free circulation of Qi energy, which brings health and good luck. Before you start arranging your workspace, you need to get rid of rubbish: throw away scribbled pens, broken staplers, shabby rugs and other items that, according to Feng Shui, prevent the free movement of energy.

Feng Shui desktop shape and size
Feng Shui desktop shape and size

Video: 3 Simple Ways to Feng Shui Your Office

Workspace color scheme

According to Feng Shui, the colors in the design of the workplace should correspond to the energy they express. An abundance of bright colors is unacceptable, as they cause fatigue.

Beige, coffee, light green shades create a feeling of security, cheer up. Brown furniture helps to concentrate.

What to put on the desktop in the office?

To understand what should be on the table in the office, divide the surface into 8 sectors, which symbolize important aspects of human activity. The technique is called the Bagua octagon. First, the surface is divided into central, left and right parts. Then sectors are highlighted in each:

  • in the central zone: career - right in front of the person sitting, then - prospects and plans, behind it - reputation and fame. A laptop is usually located in the career zone. It is better to leave the planning area free, and place personal certificates, the company logo in the glory zone;
  • The top area of the right zone is for the family. Here are some personal photos. The middle is the creative sector, the space for completed projects. Bottom - useful connections, this is where the phone should be, the diary should be;
  • in the left zone from top to bottom are the sector of wealth, health and knowledge. In these areas, symbols of financial well-being, current projects on which you are concentrating, reference books, dictionaries, talismans of wisdom, respectively, are appropriate.
Bagua Desktop Zones
Bagua Desktop Areas

Due to corporate peculiarities, it is sometimes impossible to make global transformations in the office space, but everyone can make useful changes in their personal space, on their own desk. This will help you achieve success in your career, come to harmony, material well-being.

Video: Office feng shui layout rules and lucky decor ideas

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Hi all! In this blog we post useful information on the topic how to set up a feng shui workplace. If you have questions or ideas that we did not cover in our article, write about it in the comments.
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Comments (4)

- May 13, 2023 11:00:02
Feng Shui is the art of arranging objects in space to achieve harmony and balance of energy. Here are some tips on how to arrange your workplace according to Feng Shui:

1. Position your desk so that you can see the door. This will help you feel more secure and in control.

2. Avoid placing your desk in front of a door or window as this can waste energy and reduce productivity.

3. Arrange beautiful objects that you like on the table, such as flowers or pictures. They will help create a pleasant atmosphere and increase energy levels.
- May 13, 2023 10:57:23
4. Avoid placing sharp corners in front of you as this can create negative energy and lead to stress.

5. Place plants in your workplace as they can purify the air and create positive energy.

6. Avoid placing mirrors in front of you as this can be distracting and create negative energy.

7. Use bright colors like red or orange to boost your energy and motivation levels.

8. Avoid using black colors as they can create negative energy and cause depression.
- May 13, 2023 10:55:52
It is important to understand that Feng Shui is a personal approach and what works for one person may not work for another. So experiment and find your own style in arranging your workplace.
- May 7, 2023 15:14:36
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