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Toasts with a newborn

Total: 41
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445558)
A newborn in a
A newborn in a family is a great happiness. Let's raise a glass so that the Guardian Angel will always be next to the child and protect him from troubles and misfortunes!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445569)
Someone said β€œGive us
Someone said, β€œGive us better mothers and we will be better people.” So let's raise our glasses so that your child will be the pride of the best mother!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445534)
Well God created another
Well, God created another small miracle. We wish him to quickly get to know the world and experience everything. Let the sea of ​​happiness cover you like a wave, let the wind always be fair. And never meet envious and boring people along the way!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445535)
They say that miracles
They say that miracles don’t happen. But look into the baby’s eyes - you will smile and say: β€œWell, it’s a miracle!” I hasten to congratulate you on your miracle! Let's drink to the health of our newborn.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445536)
As is commonly believed:
As is commonly believed: two people in a family are a couple, but three or more are already a family. On this happy day for your family, I want everyone present here to drain their glasses for the health of the newborn and the well-being of the family!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445537)
They say that children
They say that children are the flowers of life. But our newest member of the family is not just a flower of heaven, but the best flower for the Garden of Happiness one could wish for. So let it grow as quickly and beautifully as a rose; healthy and strong like a sunflower, and also white and fluffy like a dandelion!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445540)
Congratulations to the parents
Congratulations to the parents on the arrival of a little angel in the family! Let the baby's life path be bright, kind and happy. Let the child grow up healthy and cheerful to the joy of his parents.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445541)
Congratulations on the new
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I wish the baby to grow up healthy to the delight of his parents. May his childhood years be filled with miracles and fabulous events. Happiness and good luck to your family!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445542)
I want to raise
I want to raise a glass to a bright and long-awaited event in your life - the birth of your baby! May your nights be calm, your laughter loud, and your health stronger with each new day!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445543)
We wish your baby
We wish your baby health, may his life path always be under the protection of his angels.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445544)
Today a new life
Today a new life was born! I wish you an easy path in life, good health, and a bright soul! Happy birth of Angel! Let's raise our glasses.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445545)
Let the baby be
Let the baby be healthy, strong, smart. Let him take only good things from his parents, his mother’s beauty and his father’s intelligence.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445546)
Congratulations on the birth
Congratulations on the birth of your child. This is a very important event for every family. Patience, grace and growth. Let your child be healthy and strong. For the child!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445547)
The birth of a
The birth of a child is always a joy. Because now you know that you are not alone. There will be someone nearby who will love you at first sight and accept you for who you are. Good health to the baby and your entire family!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445548)
I sincerely congratulate the
I sincerely congratulate the parents on their newborn! Let him grow up to be a healthy, energetic and inquisitive child. Let the Guardian Angel protect him from all troubles and bad weather, and let him meet only good, kind people in life. For the baby!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445549)
Dear parents of our
Dear parents of our hero of the occasion, on this festive day, I would like to drink to you and say that of course you need to raise children, but no matter how you raise them, they will still be like you. Therefore, if you want to change them for the better, then fight your bad habits and then the child will be deprived of them!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445550)
Now you have a
Now you have a baby. While he is still a very small bundle, he is a bundle of happiness! Take care of him, educate him, thinking about how you would like to see him in the future. Fill it only with good and positive qualities. Teach what your parents taught you. Take care of him, pamper him, sometimes scold him. Let your child grow up to be a person with a capital letter!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445551)
Bad things happen very
Bad things happen very often in life and many endeavors end in nothing or fail. Often people break down and lose hope, but you just have to look into the eyes of a baby and you will understand that life is beautiful and hope is always with you. Let's drink so that our young parents never despair, and even if this happens, then in order to continue their life path again, they only need to remember the look of their child!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445552)
On this day your
On this day, your understanding of happiness changed dramatically for you. As it turns out, you weren’t really happy before this. And now, this sweet little man will revolutionize your lives. I drink to your parental patience and the health of your family. With a newborn.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445553)
Today we drink to
Today we drink to the happiest day of your life. A new man was born. A new member of your family. The sun gave one of its rays, and it became the smile of your newborn. May his health be strong, as well as his parents’ nerves. For our little one!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445554)
Let's raise our glasses
Let's raise our glasses to this beautiful newborn. May his journey be good! May he always have the strength and patience to wait for good things! May he always greet his loved ones and loved ones warmly and sincerely! Always smiles at every new day! And so that he could always say β€œI love you” to someone who truly deserves it!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445555)
Happiness has happened in
Happiness has happened in your family - your long-awaited baby has appeared, to whom I want to drink! I wish him to have heroic strength, royal patience and an angelic character. And I wish you to be patient, because there are sleepless nights and education ahead. For you, for your baby, for happiness!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445556)
There's an addition to
There's an addition to your family! Your long-awaited belly-dweller has finally been born. I want to raise my glass to your miracle, to the fruit of your love, to your dream come true, which will now and forever become your meaning. May your adoration be healthy and may all the heavenly powers come to protect this little angel.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445557)
Let's drink to the
Let's drink to the fact that the stork visited this friendly home and gave them such a wonderful and healthy baby! Many years of happiness to him, health and good luck! To parents, I want to say: great patience, be exemplary parents, and most importantly, be your child’s best friends!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445559)
I want to raise
I want to raise a glass to the newborn and wish health to the parents and baby. Let him grow healthy and beautiful. To parents, patience, strength for education and study. We wish to raise a good, kind and fair person.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445560)
Dear Parents The Lord
Dear Parents! The Lord awarded you this proud title by giving you a wonderful little miracle - a child. Instead of a lot of words, let's recall the ancient wisdom: β€œAnything can happen, but if your children are healthy, you are a happy person.”
For your happiness! Happy newborn!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445561)
Great happiness has happened
Great happiness has happened in your family! A new family member has been born that everyone has been waiting for! I wish, first of all, that the baby would always be healthy, strong and beautiful. I also want to wish you, as parents, great patience, strength and courage, efforts, thanks to which your baby will become a real and the best representative of our society!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445562)
You gave life to
You gave life to a wonderful treasure, its fate is in your hands.
God’s gift is the highest reward, a child born for two. Let your faithful union grow stronger through doubled love. The child will thank you for everything you gave him.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445563)
The birth of a
The birth of a new life is like a new discovery. You don’t know exactly what it will bring, but you are incredibly happy and interested. Let's wish this little man to grow up healthy and strong. Let his world consist only of rainbow colors, and let his laughter be ringing and pure. For you, our little miracle.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445564)
Let's drink to a
Let's drink to a small miracle. So that there will never be anything bad in life, but only singing and living, it will be the way you always wanted. So that there is always support in the family, and strong endurance within. Great prosperity and fulfill the most important task in life - to become a Human!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445565)
True love is when
True love is when you love someone else more than yourself. With the arrival of your baby, you will no longer be able to sleep whenever you want and have fun late into the night with your friends. But only with his appearance will you learn what love is. So let's drink to 2 wonderful events: the birth of a child and the birth of real, loving Parents!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445566)
The birth of a
The birth of a child is a big celebration for you, parents. Now, your level of responsibility has increased several times. And don’t let the sleepless nights that you will certainly have scare you. After all, the happiness you received is worth it. Let your baby grow up smart and healthy. For you, parents, and your baby!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445567)
Every family at one
Every family at one moment has a small miracle, for which the parents will give their lives, all their lives they protect him, instruct him, sometimes he will be offended by his parents, but they will always be proud of their baby, so let’s drink to the little miracle that recently appeared to the light!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445568)
And now another soul
And now another soul has found its incarnation in this world. Let's wish her to grow up healthy, please her parents and give them a sea of ​​positive emotions.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445570)
The wise say that
The wise say that the true meaning in life is to find and know yourself. I want to raise this glass in honor of the newborn, so that his life will be filled with real meaning!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445571)
They say that when
They say that when the stork flew with our newborn to his parents, many other people stretched out their hands to him, begging him to come down to them and give the child back. But our stork kept flying and flying towards its goal, not paying attention to anything. So let's drink to the happy parents, may their child always achieve their goal no matter what!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445572)
Today is the most
Today is the most unforgettable day in your life, because the dearest and most beloved person for you was born - your baby. He is still very tiny, but he is a huge, simply immeasurable happiness for you. And I wish that, to your joy, he grows up healthy, obedient, smart, kind and beautiful! Let the life path of the newborn be β€œclear” and β€œcloudless”!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445573)
Happy parents I congratulate
Happy parents! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on such a significant event in your life! Let this child become a real gift of fate: he will be forever healthy, obedient, talented and may he definitely please his mom and dad with success! I sincerely wish your baby happiness!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445574)
Today you became parents
Today you became parents, and I sincerely congratulate you on this! You have a long road ahead of nurturing and educating your child. On this path, I wish you and your child health, happiness, success, prosperity and simply all the best.
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445575)
When a child is
When a child is born, parents, relatives and friends all vie to participate in choosing a name. Of course, it is impossible not to agree that choosing a name is a very important matter, but let’s not forget that in addition to help in this matter, the parents of the newborn need to be provided with other support. So let's drink to the fact that both the newborn and his happy parents always feel the support of friends and loved ones!
Toasts with a newborn (id: 445576)
I congratulate you on
I congratulate you on your newborn miracle. I hope you will take care of your child, he will become a good and understanding person. Instill in your child a love for the world and you will see that children are truly the flowers of life. Once again, I congratulate you and wish you patience.

Toasts with a newborn, which will be remembered