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Happy birthday greetings to a submariner sailor - poetry, prose, SMS

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Happy birthday greetings to a submariner sailor - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 88394)
Happy birthday brave brave
Happy birthday, brave, brave submariner. I would like to wish you a bright, beautiful, colorful life, like the amazing underwater world. I also wish you a successful daily immersion in the abyss of luck, prosperity, love and success.
Happy birthday greetings to a submariner sailor - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 88405)
Happy birthday submariner brave
Happy birthday, submariner, brave and tireless ichthyander. I wish you a bright and beautiful life, like the underwater world, and in it, be a respected and brave Neptune, keep golden treasures in your pockets, and real pearls of love in your heart! Good luck on every dive and good luck on your course.

Happy birthday greetings to a submariner sailor - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered