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Happy birthday greetings to a brutal man

Total: 4
Happy birthday greetings to a brutal man (id: 41101)
Congratulations May not only
Congratulations! May not only your body, but also your spirit become stronger year after year. I wish you confidence, achieving goals, desires, and never giving fear a step in your heart. May there always live behind the brutality a person with a big soul.
Happy birthday greetings to a brutal man (id: 41100)
Congratulations I wish you
Congratulations! I wish you to always remain a strong man, with the same will, desire, brutality and self-confidence. Let adversity fear you, difficulties respect you, and sorrows not suit you. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday greetings to a brutal man (id: 41102)
Happy birthday I wish
Happy birthday. I wish you eternal youth, unchanging style, perseverance, self-confidence and respect. May any peak conquer you. Let every woman admire you. May a lot of prospects open up for you every day. I wish you to be many times cooler, braver and more successful than that same guy from the Peaky Blinders gang.
Happy birthday greetings to a brutal man (id: 41103)
Congratulations to the most
Congratulations to the most brutal man! I wish you such strength that troubles themselves are afraid to approach, willpower and character that scare away ill-wishers. Let life attract victories, successes, achievements and emotions like a magnet.