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sample 330x60

Happy birthday greetings to a 13 year old friend - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 2
Happy birthday greetings to a 13 year old friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 74683)
You girlfriend today is
You girlfriend, today is your 13th birthday. I wish that, despite all superstitions, this number will be happy for you. I wish you to achieve your goals this year, achieve great victories, and never stop pleasing your loved ones and friends with your successes. I wish you bright hobbies, trouble-free studies, fiery dances and funny songs.
Happy birthday greetings to a 13 year old friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 74709)
Dear friend today you
Dear friend, today you are 13 years old. Congratulations to you, my dear, and I wish you a varied and fun life, varied interests and interesting hobbies, excellent educational activities and unforgettable impressions from great events on your path.