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Happy birthday greetings to a 9 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 2
Happy birthday greetings to a 9 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 73661)
My dear grandson I
My dear grandson, I congratulate you on your 9th birthday and would like to wish you to achieve new heights and victories this year, and to come to your anniversary as a confident and courageous boy who has faithful comrades, a loving family, important goals, and personal interests, and big plans for your bright and kind future.
Happy birthday greetings to a 9 year old grandson - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 73653)
Happy birthday my glorious
Happy birthday, my glorious grandson! On your 9th birthday, I want to wish you 9 faithful companions in life, and these are courage, strength, health, luck, friendship, love, success, understanding of loved ones and peace. Grandson, may everything you dream about now, what you want so badly, definitely come true. Always remain the same cheerful handsome man and quick-witted conqueror of all peaks.