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Happy Easter greetings to grandma - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 3
Happy Easter greetings to grandma - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 330916)
The candles are burning
The candles are burning merrily, and the house smells of Easter cakes. This bright Easter has come. This great Christ has risen. I congratulate you grandma on this joyful day. I wish you health and joy. Let your soul always sing and rejoice. May your eyes never be sad. Never worry about trifles, take care of yourself. And may goodness and peace be given to you by God.
Happy Easter greetings to grandma - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 330920)
Happy Easter my dear
Happy Easter, my dear grandmother. I wish that there would not be a day that you would regret, I wish you joyful emotions, happy hopes, good expectations, sympathetic and loving people nearby, good news and the light of joy in your heart.
Happy Easter greetings to grandma - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 330933)
Christ is risen grandma
Christ is risen, grandma. I wish you, dear, that on this glorious holiday happiness, joy and love will knock on your door, as well as dear family people who will always warm you with their smiles and care. Grandmother, I also wish you good health, all the best blessings and joy of heart.

Happy Easter greetings to grandma - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered