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Walpurgis Night 2024

30 April 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 5
Walpurgis Night 2024 (id: 332247)
Let the fire that
Let the fire that burns in the heart, that burns all troubles with heat, drives away all adversity and difficulties. May sadness never come to your home. In the most mystical times, let only miracles surround you, enchant you with their extraordinary events and give you happiness.
Walpurgis Night 2024 (id: 332248)
May the power of
May the power of the fire burning in your heart on the mystical holiday of Walpurgis Night scare away the dark forces and protect you from troubles and adversity. May the light of your soul dispel the darkness, and may the miracles that happen this night be only good.
Walpurgis Night 2024 (id: 332249)
Dance have fun and
Dance, have fun, and beware of fire! Walpurgis Night is a time of celebration and the Sabbath. Folk tales are overgrown with speculation, legends are shrouded in gossip, and to this day we celebrate this day, so that all evil spirits turn into ashes, and their ashes are thrown to the wind. Light the fires, have fun, because the witching time has come!
Walpurgis Night 2024 (id: 332250)
Here it is Walpurgis
Here it is, Walpurgis Night, the famous time for the Sabbath of witches and sorcerers, the moment when dark forces walk freely across the earth. But this is also a mystical festival of fertility, and a time to throw away all the troubles from winter and enter a new cycle of life. Congratulations!
Walpurgis Night 2024 (id: 332251)
Since ancient times on
Since ancient times, on Walpurgis Night they fought against witches and wickedness, which, according to Russian beliefs, did its dirty deeds. Let the light of peacefulness light up in our souls today, which will drive out the darkness from our lives and become a symbol of goodness.

Walpurgis Night 2024, which will be remembered