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Congratulations on Builder's Day to the military - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 3
Congratulations on Builder's Day to the military - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 364931)
You are a brave
You are a brave, confident, determined man. All that remains is to wish you good luck in all your plans, support from your family and friends in all your endeavors. Happy Builder's Day. May every day bring success in military construction. Let every moment of life allow you to feel like a strong person. I wish you health, perseverance and perseverance!
Congratulations on Builder's Day to the military - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 364933)
Happy holiday On Builder's
Happy holiday! On Builder's Day, we wish you everything in order, so that every new brick will be a strong foundation for happiness. I wish you confidence, discipline and all the best. Happy holiday!
Congratulations on Builder's Day to the military - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 364936)
Happy holiday On the
Happy holiday! On the Builder’s Day, I wish you to still maintain discipline, so that everything goes according to a clear planned course, and if it deviates, then only in happiness. Let life be built in joy and cozy days.

Congratulations on Builder's Day to the military - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered