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sample 330x60

Congratulations on the Day of the Signal Corps of Ukraine

08 August 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 3
Congratulations on the Day of the Signal Corps of Ukraine (id: 363460)
Hello okay can you
Hello, okay, can you hear me? Congratulations to military signalmen on their professional holiday. May not a single word be lost, may not a single code be deciphered by the enemy, and may the information be intercepted by the enemy. We wish you prosperity, family warmth, good health and an ear for music.
Congratulations on the Day of the Signal Corps of Ukraine (id: 363461)
In the Ukrainian army
In the Ukrainian army, signalmen are extremely necessary - they regulate the attack; without their service, the army would be without hands. You are the spiders who bind the web of entire troops into a single whole. On the day of the signalman, we wish you to be indispensable in your service and to be the bearer of only good news!
Congratulations on the Day of the Signal Corps of Ukraine (id: 363462)
The signalman is the
The signalman is the most valuable soldier in the Ukrainian army: if he is not there, it is like a spider’s web with broken threads. The higher the rank of a signalman, the more valuable he is, so on your professional holiday I wish you to be the most valuable employee of our army!