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Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 9
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362766)
Happy Railwayman's Day Let
Happy Railwayman's Day! Let the roads be smooth, cheerful and long, let them lead only to relaxation and fun travels. Health, strength and a great vacation!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362767)
Happy Railwayman's Day I
Happy Railwayman's Day. I wish you chug-chug through life easily and confidently, proudly and beautifully along the rails of luck, through the sleepers of success. Let work not take a lot of energy, let only welcome passengers always enter your carriage and with tickets from your heart. I wish you to live happily, work successfully and never spend a day without laughing!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362768)
Congratulations on your day
Congratulations on your day, railway worker! I would like to wish you never to go off the rails of fate, never to fall under the train of failures and to remain in the carriage of happiness! Remember that it is up to you to determine which platform your locomotive will arrive at.
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362769)
Happy Railwayman's Day to
Happy Railwayman's Day to everyone! I wish that in your life you will never come across a reserved seat carriage, but only a VIP one, that your train will rush at full speed towards your dream, and that your fellow travelers will be cheerful and lively!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362770)
Happy Railwayman's Day I
Happy Railwayman's Day. I wish you not to be afraid of either heat or frost. I wish you to always do your work “excellently”. I want to believe only in good things. I wish to meet only kind people on my way. I wish from every dream station to always arrive at the station of success and happiness!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362771)
On Railwayman's Day I
On Railwayman's Day, I wish you to always have time to jump into the last carriage of the train if it is moving towards happiness, success and well-being! Let life go as planned, like a train on rails. May the green light always be on for you, and let troubles fly by at cosmic speed!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362772)
Rails sleepers crossings traffic
Rails, sleepers, crossings, traffic lights, stations and stops - your life is not like others. You must be ahead of the train and at the head of any movement. On Railway Worker's Day, we wish you to competently manage the processes, lower the barrier on time and choose your own stations. Let troubles fly by, and let love become your main traveling companion!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362773)
May your trains never
May your trains never be late with happiness and smiles. I wish you laughter louder than a train whistle, and endless happiness like routes. I wish you to move forward in life, like a train that nothing can make you go off the rails!
Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 362774)
Let them go to
Let them go to Kolyma with grief and sadness, so that they ride on a train, and the noise of the wheels prevents them from sleeping, and the lights along the rails shine in their eyes and blind them, not giving them a second to rest. Let separation and problems be taken away by trains forever, so that there is no one to meet them.

Cool congratulations on Railway Worker's Day - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered