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Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

15 February 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 14
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301819)
On the Day of
On the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, we would like to wish you and your family a peaceful sky above your head, family well-being, love and kindness. Let such concepts as duty, honor and conscience accompany you on your life’s path, helping you make difficult decisions.
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301820)
On this day I
On this day, I would like to remember all the internationalist soldiers who performed and continue to fulfill their international duty with courage and honor! May their exploits always be appreciated by the people around them and subsequent generations, because brotherly help is true valor, courage and selflessness! Glory and honor to each such warrior for all time!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301821)
Congratulations on the Day
Congratulations on the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers! On this day I would like to remember all those who fought and laid down their lives abroad, fulfilling their army duty, giving their health and strength. And I say thank you to those who returned for their courage, honor, and fidelity to their convictions. I wish you health, prosperity and all the best!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301822)
We are all human
We are all human and each of us has feelings in our hearts. Let us today, on the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, all together honor the memory of gallant soldiers, defenders, brave heroes who bravely and proudly fulfilled their international duty far from their homeland, from their loved ones and relatives. All of them are worthy of fond memory and loud gratitude, true respect and heroic calling. May each of us bravely walk through life as they fought for victory, may the exploits of these people serve as an example of selflessness, true courage and devotion to a great cause.
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301823)
Today we will remember
Today we will remember those who courageously and honestly performed their duty far from their families and relatives! One can only admire their courage and, with all due respect, protect this world from conflicts! We wish everyone a sense of responsibility for our future!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301824)
On the Day of
On the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, we will honor the memory of our glorious heroes, giving them honor and praise, all the kind words and our pride! Thanks to such warriors, brave and determined men, our strong spirit became famous, and the crazy and terrible fighting stopped. It’s a pity that not everyone was destined to return home; it’s very sad that hundreds, thousands of brave soldiers laid down their lives in bloody battles. Remember the great feats, be proud of the courageous fighters and try to cultivate in yourself the same perseverance, the same courage, the same heroism that the internationalist warriors possessed!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301825)
Let the memory sacredly
Let the memory sacredly remember and honor the names of those who shed their blood while fulfilling their international duty. Let their courage, heroism and courage be forever imprinted in the history book of our great country. Let her be immensely proud that in her vastness there are such sons who sacrificed their lives for the good of other people. Happy Remembrance Day for Internationalist Soldiers!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301826)
Let the Motherland remember
Let the Motherland remember and proudly honor its brave heroes. Being outside your country, the memory and love for home will always live in your heart. I wish you constant prosperity, perseverance and a stable life, for the glory of internationalist warriors.
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301827)
On this day of
On this day of remembrance of internationalist soldiers, I would like to say, I’m sorry if we weren’t able to appreciate your merits. It is difficult to fight for your homeland, but even more difficult to fight for someone else’s. Thank you to those who had the courage to do this, not sparing their health, with sincere intentions to eradicate evil and save the lives of those who pray for help. We honor and remember everyone who died on foreign soil and would be grateful to those who returned from the war to raise a strong generation of warriors like you.
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301828)
On the Day of
On the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, I ask everyone to show respect to our heroes, to be imbued with history and to carry through their hearts all the burden of those terrible days of war. They are worthy of loud words and beautiful flowers, they are worthy of our memory and low bows - fearless, tireless, loyal, strong internationalist warriors!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301829)
On the Day of
On the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, I would like to wish everyone only bright memories and kind words to honor our heroes. May their souls rest in heaven, may this world for which they fought send us bright rays of hope and love.
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301830)
On the Day of
On the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, I would like to wish everyone to never feel the sadness and grief of war, to make room in their hearts for bright memories and kind gratitude to our heroes - the defenders of our country, who had to give their lives for a neighbor, friend or comrade.
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301831)
There is no command
There is no command more desirable for a soldier than the command to “cease fire.” On the day of remembrance of internationalist soldiers, I would like to wish all people strength, patience and peace. Remembering those who are gone, we must not forget about those who remain, who are just beginning their journey. Stay true to your beliefs, be strong and remember human achievements. Happy holiday!
Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers 2024 - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 301832)
On the Day of
On the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers, I ask you to honor with a kind word and heartfelt gratitude all the brave guys who laid down their heads for the good of peace and friendship, who could overcome fear, weakness, and any obstacle. I wish that there are as many such brave and noble people in the world as possible and that such people do not have to fight - let there be peace and understanding in the whole world!