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World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

20 February 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 6
World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 302042)
Today is World Social
Today is World Social Justice Day. I wish everyone to be fully provided with all those benefits that are important or desired. Let equal rights be achieved and accepted, without denial, superiority and contempt. Living in peace and harmony, in love and understanding, without need and survival is wonderful.
World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 302043)
Congratulations on the World
Congratulations on the World Day of Social Justice and I would like to sincerely wish that in our society there will never be any conflicts or disagreements due to race, for example, or religious views. I wish that a person always remains a person, that everyone in this world is equal in their rights and achieves all their goals.
World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 302044)
Congratulations on the World
Congratulations on the World Day of Social Justice and I would like to wish that everyone on the planet lives in complete prosperity and security, that a person of any age is respected, that a citizen of any nation is respected, that a leader of any social stratum is successful.
World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 302045)
Congratulations on World Social
Congratulations on World Social Justice Day and I would like to wish you never to feel like a disadvantaged person in any way. I wish to be a person with a confident life position, an optimistic outlook, a wide circle of good friends and a full package of rights to a happy and fulfilling life.
World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 302046)
Congratulations on the World
Congratulations on the World Day of Social Justice and I would like to wish that in our society, in our lives, there are no levels of hierarchy, so that everyone is equal and free in their feelings and emotions. I wish to always have the right to choose, I wish to never feel like a “third wheel” in any area of ​​life, I wish not to lose confidence in my abilities and not to infringe on myself in anything.
World Social Justice Day - date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 302047)
On World Social Justice
On World Social Justice Day, I would like to wish you to never be depressed or feel out of place. May every day be successful, fruitful and sociable, may every person in your life give you only positive emotions and their support. And let peace finally come throughout the world - peace for everyone - without blacks and whites, without poor and rich, but simply peace with good, educated, and, most importantly, kind people.