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sample 330x60

Congratulations on Navy Day to brother - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 5
Congratulations on Navy Day to brother - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361158)
Happy Navy Day brother
Happy Navy Day, brother! I wish you optimism and drive, joy and prosperity. May there be many victories and awards ahead. May good luck accompany you always and everywhere! May you always have a backup plan and a wise decision!
Congratulations on Navy Day to brother - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361159)
Brother happy holiday Navy
Brother, happy holiday! Navy Day will remind you that you can conquer any seas and ride any wave. Let life not throw up storms, and let there be no military operations at all. Congratulations!
Congratulations on Navy Day to brother - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361160)
My beloved brother I
My beloved brother, I congratulate you on Navy Day! I wish you not to pay attention to the waves of fate, to storms in relationships and storms in your career, but to successfully swim with the flow, enjoying the calm!
Congratulations on Navy Day to brother - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361161)
Happy Navy Day brother
Happy Navy Day, brother! I wish you to be confident, beautiful, brave, proud, in one word, or more precisely - several - an excellent military man, a real sailor. I wish you strength, health and good luck. I wish to give a head start to any of my rivals, I wish to conquer any goal!
Congratulations on Navy Day to brother - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361162)
Congratulations You are strong
Congratulations! You are strong and brave, an example for many men. Always remain the same self-confident so that you can boldly pursue your dreams. Let there be people nearby whom you can rely on.